So I'm moving my belongings(a few pairs of pants, a few shirts, loads of books, a backpack, stereo, and marijuana pipe) out of my dingy Van Gogh room to a more subtle flat several blocks east. My roommates are two ladies from New York with enormous...brains. However i find it odd that after much debate they are allowing me in, considering i don't smoke parliaments, drink long islands, and lack a heaving muscular chest(though it's pretty damn fine in its own right)
Maybe they're sick of the john john look alikes with their short jet black slick hair. Maybe they need a real beer drinking, camel smoking, bearded ruffian. I hope they don't mind i prefer a sprecher over a martini.
So the world(?) (in)famous Mifflin street block party was this weekend. I did not go because of the bad vibes that it's been generating over the last couple of years. And of course the headlines read the next day "two first degree sexual assaults at Mifflin block party." The college scene is absurd. I spent the night at Sweeneys talking philosophy with Michael the professor and doing shots with top hat tim, a pair of fine gentlemen. I've attended Mifflin block the last two years, declaring my final attendance last May. I can do without the Mary J. Blige dancing cronies who perform "keg stands" and secretively sneak into the back yard to puke their puss bellies up. No thanks.