New Font for Pax Acidus...
New Font for Pax Acidus...
Should it stay or should it go?
New Font for Pax Acidus...
stay. its much easier to read.
New Font for Pax Acidus...
very considerate of y'all to make reading easier for the blue-rinse-and-walker crowd
New Font for Pax Acidus...
Okay the font stays....for now.
If you didn't say anything...
that means you either don't care or else you like it.
Just like all those people who don't
If you didn't say anything...
that means you either don't care or else you like it.
Just like all those people who don't
New Font for Pax Acidus...
fuck apathy
New Font for Pax Acidus...
apathy was the theme of the slideluck potshow. sloth, you will have to come to the next one
New Font for Pax Acidus...
I would have been right at home at the apathy pot luck. I have never brought anything to a pot luck before. I always figure, why bother?