Salvia Divinorum

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Big Ears
Posts: 75
Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2001 8:01 am
Location: Chicago

Salvia Divinorum

Post by Kyle »

thats right...whoah

has anybody tried it. it's legal. It's mexican sage. Mayan shamans used to smoke it for the visions it gave them.

Go to
you can order it from there, but there are tons of other sites on the web if you just search for "salvia"

I took two hits of the fortified leaf(5X you can purchase 10x) last week. After the second hit I felt like my entire being got distilled down into one infinitesimal point. i was at the center of my body. from this unique vantage point I started watching movies that someone (?) was projecting upon the inside of the husk of what used to be my body. they (the movies) were all about bugs and railroads. i saw traincars and caterpillars(not creepy bugs, it wasnt a bad trip) streaming across the inside of what used to be my body. then after 10 minutes I was fine.

it's really hallucinogenic. it's legal (which is a crock) and It makes you absolutely insane, but it only lasts 10-15 minutes. try it. make sure you've got somebody sober to watch you, cuz it fucks you up. but its really fun.
