and I have bruised feet - dancing last night wasn't a great idea.
J and I went to a Reel Big Fish show Wednesday - I wish kids actually knew how to dance and didn't think that A. everything is a mosh pit, B. that you should be aware it's not cool to run into just anybody!
Lie to me, it takes less time to drink you pretty.
I'm not all that familiar with Dashboard Confessional, actually, despite having heard their name many times. I think they were popular locally. I will check it out.
Bow Wow Wow is just killing me right now. Her name was Annabella Lwin and she was a teenage Scorpio. Let's give her respect, eh? Of course if she hadn't been with such a good band behind her, it wouldn't have meant much, but that's just the way it is when talented people get together.
it's ok it was an afterthought. lol
I mean, I dunno... kids just annoy me. there were even kids last night at the rave that were invading dancing bubbles when I was on the outskirts of the dancefloor trying to spin poi ... REAL LED poi, not glowsticks. The dumb kids could have gotten hurt.
I wouldn't recomend dashboard honestly. lol
Lie to me, it takes less time to drink you pretty.
Their fashion is 'orrible now isn't it? OMG. They really milked the idea of a mohawk hairdo to it's maximum. And that awful pattern of the red squigglys on that guy's shirt, man I've only seen like two or three photos of folks dumb enough to wear that pattern. It was out of style just as soon as it was in. I mean that.
Because I'm an 80's whore.
Anyway, Pixie..what the hell were we on about, again? Keep talking.
sorry I think we are cross posting without realizing it, Pixie so we're not realizing what is going on. Thank god the moon is in Pisces now. I thought it would be in Aquarius forever. Okay I am going to be quiet now and read your posts which I haven't read because WE ARE POSTING AT THE SAME TIME arrrgggh
haha ... hey now, J has a shirt in that squiggle pattern. (no, seriously, he does. he's a special boy. you can probably see now why we're together... lord knows I am a special girl.)
Haha ... come on, bad 80s fashion is great. When I was in highschool I made a habit of re/de-constructing old 80's party dresses and wearing them as everyday clothes. I'd say I wish I had pictures; but I think at some point in my life I will be glad I don't.
Lie to me, it takes less time to drink you pretty.
haha I can work on it. He is very elusive when you have a camera...
he also won't let me buy the digital camera I want. Granted - because it's not a good camera and I should buy the $200 dollar one if I want a hello kitty camera but .. eh...
so you'll just have to wait for me to get pictures developed anyway lmao
Lie to me, it takes less time to drink you pretty.