Here's the one that was on the wall where I worked. It's obviously a woman who's supposed to be masterbating. I think it has a nice flowing quality to it in that it reminds me of a drawing I did when I was on acid once! It's called The Dream.
And then there's this one that I like a lot more than that one that appeared in my book of surrealist painters. It's called Nude Woman In a Red Armchair. I like the blue roundness of it and again, somehow that pensive expression on her face reminds me of being on acid I can't describe it!
For my birthday (early present. I'm lucky.) My brother gave me Matisse Picasso: The Story of the Their Rivalry and Friendship by Jack Flam.
I read books like this like a grasshopper. Anyway flipping through it, and looky, looky:
The Dream is an extraordinarily lush and sensual painting that capitalizes on a number of works Matisse created during his Nice period. The subject of the languorous woman, the use of the rhythmic wallpaper pattern, and the rich sensual colors of this painting clearly refer to Matisse's paintings of the late 1920's.