hello everybody,
hello everybody,
i just called to say i love you.
greetings to all from this part of the world. i was gone for a while... i spent new year's eve in berlin with some splendid people and i can report that that town is still one of the most interesting on earth.
man, those new year's parties! i was in this giant apartment in eastern berlin, looking across a boulevard to an apartment bloc in which there were at least a dozen parties going on. you could see old communist geezers dancing round the mistletoe as well as youngish punkish types. the typical berlin mix as such.
and berliners really go for the explosives and the booze. one popular activity was to aim your fireworks at any window that happened to be open. quite numerous were the times when we, looking outside, ducked and closed the windows and ran for cover. and took a good swig of whatever we needed to regain our mojo.
and those berliner women! you get the smart and the sexy, the intelligent and the debauched, all in one package but in many different flavors. i have said it before (not here though, so i'll say it again): i will move to berlin once my daughter moves out to go to college, and/or when my mom has passed away. most probably within this decade (have i just said something awfully morbid?)
it's not just the women, or the parties. for example, it's the ultra-low cost of living -- somebody said berlin is the world's cheapest capital town. it's the bullet-pocked houses, the ubiquitary sense of history. it's the phenomenal bars and delicious-but-affordable ethnic eateries. it's how the yuppies, the gentrifiers, are fenced-in, to the point of near-invisibility. it's the russians, the poles, the politicians of international repute whom you see shopping in supermarkets, casually. it's the lakes, the perverts, the dynamism.... ok i know i am getting tedious but i am german, so give me a break, this is my way of expressing enthusiasm.
speaking of giving a break, what's up with paxacidus? is it just my general momentary disinterest with all things american or is the bb awfully... normal? marky is working and listening to music, pixie is eating, tommy is moving and parenting, mc is trying to write and is trying not to drink, myke is trying to be conscientious, sara is picking up the pieces... but what about some wackiness? what about some controversy? how about some participation in the book club? some sexual confidentiality? some rosie-influenced insanity? (i do not forget that tom is bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and interestingly homosexual, but it takes more to make an engaging bulletin board).
i just called to say i care.
greetings to all from this part of the world. i was gone for a while... i spent new year's eve in berlin with some splendid people and i can report that that town is still one of the most interesting on earth.
man, those new year's parties! i was in this giant apartment in eastern berlin, looking across a boulevard to an apartment bloc in which there were at least a dozen parties going on. you could see old communist geezers dancing round the mistletoe as well as youngish punkish types. the typical berlin mix as such.
and berliners really go for the explosives and the booze. one popular activity was to aim your fireworks at any window that happened to be open. quite numerous were the times when we, looking outside, ducked and closed the windows and ran for cover. and took a good swig of whatever we needed to regain our mojo.
and those berliner women! you get the smart and the sexy, the intelligent and the debauched, all in one package but in many different flavors. i have said it before (not here though, so i'll say it again): i will move to berlin once my daughter moves out to go to college, and/or when my mom has passed away. most probably within this decade (have i just said something awfully morbid?)
it's not just the women, or the parties. for example, it's the ultra-low cost of living -- somebody said berlin is the world's cheapest capital town. it's the bullet-pocked houses, the ubiquitary sense of history. it's the phenomenal bars and delicious-but-affordable ethnic eateries. it's how the yuppies, the gentrifiers, are fenced-in, to the point of near-invisibility. it's the russians, the poles, the politicians of international repute whom you see shopping in supermarkets, casually. it's the lakes, the perverts, the dynamism.... ok i know i am getting tedious but i am german, so give me a break, this is my way of expressing enthusiasm.
speaking of giving a break, what's up with paxacidus? is it just my general momentary disinterest with all things american or is the bb awfully... normal? marky is working and listening to music, pixie is eating, tommy is moving and parenting, mc is trying to write and is trying not to drink, myke is trying to be conscientious, sara is picking up the pieces... but what about some wackiness? what about some controversy? how about some participation in the book club? some sexual confidentiality? some rosie-influenced insanity? (i do not forget that tom is bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and interestingly homosexual, but it takes more to make an engaging bulletin board).
i just called to say i care.
- mccutcheon
- New York Scribbler
- Posts: 4996
- Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2000 8:01 am
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welcome back buddy
hey hey hey. I'm a donut. Good to see you back. Nice post. I really like Berlin as well.
- mccutcheon
- New York Scribbler
- Posts: 4996
- Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2000 8:01 am
- Location: NYC
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remember this band when you smuggle this black crack in from Europe for me. You should go see a show near you.
of course have a drink with them and say I say hello. And tell them you are the one they sent the records to. It is a beautiful world sometimes.
Hier wie versprochen, die aktuellsten KLEE Neuigkeiten:
In einer Woche, am Montag, den 24.Januar erscheint unsere neue Single "GOLD"!!
Darauf neben der "Gold"-Radioversion auch der tolle Remix von Targa & Mike Litt,
sowie erstmals auf CD: die grandiose Cinerama-Aufnahme von "Erinner Dich" (worauf
wir sehr stolz sind!) Last but not least mit "Wenn dich die Liebe trifft" ein bisher noch
unveröffentlichter KLEE-Song!!
Das Video zu "Gold" (u.a. gedreht beim Gig Ende Dezember im Atomic Cafe, von Studierenden der Filmhochschule
München) läuft ab morgen auf VIVA, auf unserer Webseite www.kleemusik.de kann mans aber natürlich auch
Desweiteren können wir endlich erste Konzerttermine für 2005 bekanntgeben! Wir freuen uns riesig auf jeden einzelnen!
Ganz besonders aufregend werden aber sicher die beiden Konzerte in Amsterdam und London, wo wir gerne dem
Wunsch von "Wedding Present" nachkommen, für sie das Vorprogramm zu bestreiten! ( auf ihrer bald erscheinenden
Single "Edinburgh" wird es übrigens auch eine "Duett-Version" mit Suzie geben! )
KLEE live 2005:
21.01.05 Berlin - Pfefferberg, Intro Intim / Melt Spezial (+Kissogram, Tocotronic Dj-team, u.a.)
29.01.05 Berlin - Fritz Club im Postbahnhof
12.02.04 Oberhausen - Arena ( Bundesvisionsoncontest )
26.02.05 Lingen - Alter Schlachthof (+Die Sterne & Bernd Begemann)
02.03.05 Erlangen - E-Werk
03.03.05 Rüsselsheim - Das Rind
04.03.05 Ingolstadt - Ohrakel
05.03.05 CH-Altstätten - Freihof
06.03.05 CH-Dudingen - Bad Bonn
08.03.05 Dortmund - FZW
09.03.05 Oldenburg - Amadeus
10.03.05 Krefeld - Kulturfabrik
12.03.05 Hannover - Indiego Glocksee
13.03.05 Hamburg - Tanzhalle
17.03.05 Karlsruhe - Schlachthof
18.03.05 Heilbronn - Mobilat
19.03.05 Traunstein - Metro
22.03.04 Tübingen - Depot
23.03.05 Augsburg - Musikkantine
24.03.05 Weinheim - Cafe Central
26.03.05 Zwickau - BPM Club
27.03.05 Rostock - Mau
04.04.05 NL-Amsterdam - Paradiso (+The Wedding Present)
06.04.05 GB-London - Forum (+The Wedding Present)
16.04.05 Siegen - Meyer
17.04.05 Würzburg - Akw
19.04.05 Konstanz - Kulturladen
20.04.05 CH-Münchenbuchsee - Bären Buchsi
22.04.05 CH-Zurich - Rohstofflager, M4Music Festival
25.06.05 Senftenberg - Populario Festival
01.07.05 Oldenburg - Weser-Ems-Halle
12.08.05 Paderborn - Domplatz , Weltjugendtag 2005
weitere Konzerte und Festivals in Vorbereitung!
( Booking und tagesaktuelle Termine unter www.amadis.net )
Wie der eine oder andere evtl. schon weiß, werden wir darüberhinaus am 12.2. beim "Bundesvision-
Songcontest" von Stefan Raab teilnehmen. Ausschlaggebend für unsere Zusage war, daß hier tatsächlich
unerwartet grosses Augenmerk auf die Musik der Teilnehmer gelegt wurde. So werden neben uns z.B.
auch Slut, Virginia Jetzt!, Fettes Brot oder Clueso dabeisein, vielfach sogar gute Freunde von uns, was
unsere Entscheidung nicht ganz unmassgeblich beeinflusst hat!
Wir können nur leider nicht für unser Heimatbundesland NRW antreten, weil dies schon verplant war.
Da man uns aber unbedingt dabeihaben wollte, wurden wir gefragt, ob wir nicht bereit seien, evtl. auch
für ein anderes Bundesland Pate zu stehen. Und weil Musik sowieso grenzübergreifend und die ganze
Veranstaltung nicht unbedingt bierernst zu nehmen ist, haben wir uns unserer "engen" Beziehungen zum
Saarland erinnert (..unser Bassist Christoph kennt Jemanden, der dort mal ein Praktikum gemacht hat ; )..
und weil wir, wie alle, auch ein "bisschen Saarland" sind, ist es uns eine Ehre, dieses schöne kleine, oft zu
stiefmütterlich behandelte Bundesland musikalisch zu vertreten.
Wer Lust hat, darf am 12. natürlich gerne für uns anrufen! ; )
of course have a drink with them and say I say hello. And tell them you are the one they sent the records to. It is a beautiful world sometimes.
Hier wie versprochen, die aktuellsten KLEE Neuigkeiten:
In einer Woche, am Montag, den 24.Januar erscheint unsere neue Single "GOLD"!!
Darauf neben der "Gold"-Radioversion auch der tolle Remix von Targa & Mike Litt,
sowie erstmals auf CD: die grandiose Cinerama-Aufnahme von "Erinner Dich" (worauf
wir sehr stolz sind!) Last but not least mit "Wenn dich die Liebe trifft" ein bisher noch
unveröffentlichter KLEE-Song!!
Das Video zu "Gold" (u.a. gedreht beim Gig Ende Dezember im Atomic Cafe, von Studierenden der Filmhochschule
München) läuft ab morgen auf VIVA, auf unserer Webseite www.kleemusik.de kann mans aber natürlich auch
Desweiteren können wir endlich erste Konzerttermine für 2005 bekanntgeben! Wir freuen uns riesig auf jeden einzelnen!
Ganz besonders aufregend werden aber sicher die beiden Konzerte in Amsterdam und London, wo wir gerne dem
Wunsch von "Wedding Present" nachkommen, für sie das Vorprogramm zu bestreiten! ( auf ihrer bald erscheinenden
Single "Edinburgh" wird es übrigens auch eine "Duett-Version" mit Suzie geben! )
KLEE live 2005:
21.01.05 Berlin - Pfefferberg, Intro Intim / Melt Spezial (+Kissogram, Tocotronic Dj-team, u.a.)
29.01.05 Berlin - Fritz Club im Postbahnhof
12.02.04 Oberhausen - Arena ( Bundesvisionsoncontest )
26.02.05 Lingen - Alter Schlachthof (+Die Sterne & Bernd Begemann)
02.03.05 Erlangen - E-Werk
03.03.05 Rüsselsheim - Das Rind
04.03.05 Ingolstadt - Ohrakel
05.03.05 CH-Altstätten - Freihof
06.03.05 CH-Dudingen - Bad Bonn
08.03.05 Dortmund - FZW
09.03.05 Oldenburg - Amadeus
10.03.05 Krefeld - Kulturfabrik
12.03.05 Hannover - Indiego Glocksee
13.03.05 Hamburg - Tanzhalle
17.03.05 Karlsruhe - Schlachthof
18.03.05 Heilbronn - Mobilat
19.03.05 Traunstein - Metro
22.03.04 Tübingen - Depot
23.03.05 Augsburg - Musikkantine
24.03.05 Weinheim - Cafe Central
26.03.05 Zwickau - BPM Club
27.03.05 Rostock - Mau
04.04.05 NL-Amsterdam - Paradiso (+The Wedding Present)
06.04.05 GB-London - Forum (+The Wedding Present)
16.04.05 Siegen - Meyer
17.04.05 Würzburg - Akw
19.04.05 Konstanz - Kulturladen
20.04.05 CH-Münchenbuchsee - Bären Buchsi
22.04.05 CH-Zurich - Rohstofflager, M4Music Festival
25.06.05 Senftenberg - Populario Festival
01.07.05 Oldenburg - Weser-Ems-Halle
12.08.05 Paderborn - Domplatz , Weltjugendtag 2005
weitere Konzerte und Festivals in Vorbereitung!
( Booking und tagesaktuelle Termine unter www.amadis.net )
Wie der eine oder andere evtl. schon weiß, werden wir darüberhinaus am 12.2. beim "Bundesvision-
Songcontest" von Stefan Raab teilnehmen. Ausschlaggebend für unsere Zusage war, daß hier tatsächlich
unerwartet grosses Augenmerk auf die Musik der Teilnehmer gelegt wurde. So werden neben uns z.B.
auch Slut, Virginia Jetzt!, Fettes Brot oder Clueso dabeisein, vielfach sogar gute Freunde von uns, was
unsere Entscheidung nicht ganz unmassgeblich beeinflusst hat!
Wir können nur leider nicht für unser Heimatbundesland NRW antreten, weil dies schon verplant war.
Da man uns aber unbedingt dabeihaben wollte, wurden wir gefragt, ob wir nicht bereit seien, evtl. auch
für ein anderes Bundesland Pate zu stehen. Und weil Musik sowieso grenzübergreifend und die ganze
Veranstaltung nicht unbedingt bierernst zu nehmen ist, haben wir uns unserer "engen" Beziehungen zum
Saarland erinnert (..unser Bassist Christoph kennt Jemanden, der dort mal ein Praktikum gemacht hat ; )..
und weil wir, wie alle, auch ein "bisschen Saarland" sind, ist es uns eine Ehre, dieses schöne kleine, oft zu
stiefmütterlich behandelte Bundesland musikalisch zu vertreten.
Wer Lust hat, darf am 12. natürlich gerne für uns anrufen! ; )
hey dear fellow donut,
will you be in nyc in the week of march 28? i would like to visit you then. and tell me what black-crack specimens i can bring along to you in my luggage. one more thing, i like the lower east side, do you know of a charming hotel in that area. i used to patronize the essex up west until they got artsyfartsy and expensive so you know what i mean.
- mccutcheon
- New York Scribbler
- Posts: 4996
- Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2000 8:01 am
- Location: NYC
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My dear fellow friend
you can stay with me. I'll be here if you are. I DJ at 179 Essex Lower East Side. And that little bar has done me well of late.
thanko mucho
but i can't accept your gracious offer -- i am coming with my teenage daughter. surely she would be fascinated with your exotic digs and interesting lifestyle but we need space. besides, imposing on you for a full week would be bad form.
- mccutcheon
- New York Scribbler
- Posts: 4996
- Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2000 8:01 am
- Location: NYC
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The Bigus Dickus family is comin to town.
Teenage girls are always welcome at chez McCutcheon. I can show her the new Pax Acidus shower cam I set up.
Okay-- so where do you want to stay? I'll look around. email price rage or other instructions if you want.
Okay-- so where do you want to stay? I'll look around. email price rage or other instructions if you want.
Good to hear about Berlin. I've heard many good things about the city and have always had a bit of a fascination with it. Must be a lot of punks/goths there still, I would imagine. It makes me think of that rumour that David Bowie was supposedly singing about Nico when he sang about how they were "standing by the wall" on the song "Heroes".
I'm listening to Can at the moment. In fact I'm on another Can adventure, all because they were playing Can in this record shop when I went to get Stone Roses' Second Coming (a CD I sold years ago but decided to re-experience just for the hell of it). There are actually a few Can albums I don't have yet, but I'm getting there.

Good to hear about Berlin. I've heard many good things about the city and have always had a bit of a fascination with it. Must be a lot of punks/goths there still, I would imagine. It makes me think of that rumour that David Bowie was supposedly singing about Nico when he sang about how they were "standing by the wall" on the song "Heroes".
I'm listening to Can at the moment. In fact I'm on another Can adventure, all because they were playing Can in this record shop when I went to get Stone Roses' Second Coming (a CD I sold years ago but decided to re-experience just for the hell of it). There are actually a few Can albums I don't have yet, but I'm getting there.
- mccutcheon
- New York Scribbler
- Posts: 4996
- Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2000 8:01 am
- Location: NYC
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Nico dancing the Can Can
The Last Sat Night gig I did (not So Much To Thank You For) I played Can and a guy came up and said thank you and that it was the first time he had ever heard Can played by a DJ.
i can therefore i am
so you guys tell me: what are your favorite can albums
and all-time fav can pieces?
right now, looking at my playlist, "mushroom" from tago mago is tops for me.
hey marky hey hey! nice to hear from you.
have i ever told you about this not-quite-friend of mine who is a brilliant musician and crack fiend and allround nice guy and goes on tour with jacki liebezeit every now and then? (well, now i have!)
and all-time fav can pieces?
right now, looking at my playlist, "mushroom" from tago mago is tops for me.
hey marky hey hey! nice to hear from you.
have i ever told you about this not-quite-friend of mine who is a brilliant musician and crack fiend and allround nice guy and goes on tour with jacki liebezeit every now and then? (well, now i have!)
Sure, "Mushroom" is great. But it would be hard for me to pick a certain Can track as a favourite. I think more in terms of Can albums. Ege Bamyasi is still my favourite - it seems to have a real calming, peaceful quality, and I can't quite put a finger on why. But I always wonder if I would have chosen Tago Mago instead if I had only heard it first. Outside of the Suzuki period, there is some stuff on the eponymous album I like a lot, too. But truth be told I think a lot of their stuff has only barely begun to reveal itself to me. I do know that I will continue to return to them again and again and again.