I heard a great song awhile back on the radio by Zwan! Glad you reminded me of that.
That's the one with the Smashing Pumpkins guy isn't it. His name escapes me now. No wait I know it...Corgan Billy Corgan.
Zwan in Dallas
Zwan in Dallas
yeah they are a great band, if you want to hear it, check them out. http://www.fullofnothing.org/zwan these will only be up a few days. i dont want to get in trouble with my hosting company.... oh and the concert is april 15....
Zwan in Dallas
Hey people, Ive got 2 extra tickets for zwan. I don't know what I was thinking when I bought them. So now is a good reason to come to DFW. xquisid3? you can bring your boyfriend.
Zwan in Dallas
ive bought extra ticket many times. usually a friend or two will flake out on me. april 15 sounds great. let me know if you dont find a friend who wants the tickets.
is there anyone else on the BB who lives close to us?
is there anyone else on the BB who lives close to us?