i just want to break into en-er-i the [6]th i am . . .
yeh it has been an absolutely gorgeous day here today. if you were in virginny and not outside you wasted a beautiful day. i was in hampton yesterday, not even remotely close to THE HAMPTONS, and stuck in a convention center, a marriot, and then a bus, i was like fuck me if it rains tomorrow i'm cursing the kharma gods for sure.
mc, i'm so glad i didn't say: just wait, rick rubin will be getting a hold of van before too long and the new record will be very polished and marketed to the masses -- i almost said it earlier, whewh close one.
(hey i didn't want to do the yellow thing. i wanted to just do this ;) -- i'm getting better at this every day. i know it.)
and i can preview it to make sure it looks like what i wanted it to. really they shouldn't put all this stuff here it's too much. gone are the days when people use words to create tone. i suppose they are long gone and i'm just catching up. but, oh, how i love you van morrison, man of magical tone all on your own.
i'm sorry to take over this thread especially on henry's birthday and all, but van morrison. there is no one like van morrison. i think it's because of my first true love. who turned out to be not what i thought. how does that happen . . . how do you go from singing incredibly bad music to each other in the kitchen and using a wooden spoon as your microphone to walking away from a guy in a neck tie who you do not even recognize anymore?
how does a person go from loving and getting van morrison and neil young and bob dylan for that matter -- he even wrote a horrible poem about tangled up in blue while we drank beer. i mean he was great. he bought us a journal to write in together and then he turned into a guy who eats at sports bars and talks about financial portfolios
how does a person go from hiking and backpacking and canoeing and not caring about the status quo to wanting plantinum china and a fucking house in the suburbs. how does this happen?
i'll tell you how because van morrison sounds happy and like someone you'd want to smoke it up with, but he is not really all that happy apparently. things are not always what they seem.
van morrison and my first true love who i should have married but didn't and then he turned into captain status quo i never should have left him alone and allowed him to network; he grew up and lost his soul.
the same thing happened with the hubby. i don't think i can handle life with grown ups. it turns out i don't like being much of one or having to listen to them.
to those about to wed and those who are wed . . . whatever weird things you do now that are truly you, i highly recommend continuing . . . to do together.
why i'm not incredibly fond of rick rubin and his work. because to me it's smacks of not genuine and pure. i'm glad for johnny cash that he made a few more million and a lot of people know who he is, but i know a lot of people who did not need rick rubin's introduction -- and they always loved johnny cash. always. when i think of the naval guys who fucking make shit and wear a JOHNNY CASH that is what it is called and why it is called that -- because their uniform is black and they believe that they are following in johnny's footsteps, and they are quite accurate, johnny cash was a military man, then i get a bit miffed about rick rubin
and why i roll my eyes when i hear things like this:
When he does venture out, it's often to dine at his favorite organic vegan restaurant in West Hollywood. (Rubin is a vegan, albeit one who wore a floor-length fur coat in Jay-Z's "99 Problems" video three years ago.) Mostly, though, he's home reading. Or listening to Bach. Or meditating.
i can't help it. i'm sorry rick i'm sure you're a nice person, really swell and just trying to make your 100 millionth dollar off of neil diamond, i know he wasn't making quite enough money in vegas, but lots of organic farmers could use your backing if you really want to do something to improve yourself and the country then for god's sake use some of your millions to solve the 99 problems of real folks.
and if you ever come near van morrison -- i will puke!