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Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:49 pm
by Tom
over to the sports forum.

I'd like to mention that the Yankees are up 2-0.

I just got back from the ocean-and today is fucking beautiful. Took the hard top off the jeep-and am feeling as good as I believe I can possibly feel.

Thank god for days like this.

Course next week will probably be shit. I'll start obsessing over what my ex is doing....start feeling lonely and disillusioned again....but HELL! Ya gotta love BLISS!!

Oh-I'll be at tomorrow's Mets/Yankee game.

Look for me in the stands. I'll be the one grabbing the fly ball outta the hands of some 8 year old kid.

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:25 pm
by mccutcheon
Bliss is over.

Who needs it??

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 1:27 am
by Tom
Not me.

Fuck bliss.


Bliss was with me.
It left..and stayed with all those who know not which team to root for.

It came back.

How easily it flowed again through my veins.

A simple Primal Scream CD did the trick.
Driving on the north shore-watching the sun slowly set over still blue water-whilst 'loaded' wait....back to track3. 'don't fight it, feel it'.....oh shit-can it get any better? Yes.

Park the car-put the shades on. Turn the bass up, let 'higher than the sun' fade in....slowly...turn up a bit....slower...higher...a bit more....

BLISS..ha! How easily I can pull you back. You're mine again you two-timing lover.

Ok-now get off me. I'm through with you.