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Going overseas

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 2:54 am
by TajaVioletta
Hey all, I'm leaving for my first trip to europe sunday the second. i'm with my mother, so I can't do anything too outrageous, but does anyone have any suggestions about fun things to do or see, besides the obvious monuments and museums and things? we'll be in france for 16 days, southern part and then paris...and then england for 12 days, glastonbury, cornwall, then London, then home. we have some idea about things we'd like to do, but any input is welcome. i want to have fun my first time! though I think that's more or less inevitable... Image

also, any europe-travel tips come to mind? I'm kind of afraid, in the confusion of getting ready for this, that I'll forget something obvious...


Going overseas

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 4:54 am
by Sloth
- Have sex with random French people in the toilets. They are used to that sort of thing and we need to improve franco-american relations right now with the whole ugly war thing.

- At least once eat baguette (french bread) and camembert by the Seine or in a park.

- Remember that in France the drinking age is 16 so if you are underage you must sneak out at least once and and have some fun

- Hang out in sunglasses in cafes and read Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer. And then discuss with your mom how artistic he was.

- Go to an internet cafe and lament that French keyboards do not follow the QWERTY standard and posting on Pax Acidus is next to impossible.

- Take microdots one night, fly out your window to the Pompidou Center, and then take a walk around the Marais to the Picasso museum when you come down.

- Go to the Rex Club on Thursday and kiss DJ Laurent Garnier

- Go for a drink with Julien in the seedy side of Paris.

- Smoke a joint at Jim Morrison's grave and discuss how he died with teenge delinquants

- Go see the Musee de L'Orangerie, Musee D'Orssay, and Chateau de Versailles

- Have fun!

Going overseas

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 5:16 am
by <rosie>
that sounds like a really diluted safe vacation. anymore ideas, sloth?

Going overseas

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 2:52 pm
by mccutcheon
In the south of france try to go to Cassis. Try all the food, try to eat 'picnic food' bread, cheese meats, in a park instead of any fast food. for this all you will need is a market and swiss army knife and a park, all very easy and worth discovering. Bring good comfortable shoes, I'd say a worn pair of trainers and walk everywhere you can. Especially in Paris, Paris is a walking city, London not so much. Don't talk too loud.

Going overseas

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 5:58 am
by TajaVioletta
thank you sloth & mc cutcheon for the ideas. some i was going to do already, others I'll keep in mind. i'll miss reading everyone's words, but that will give me something to do when i get back, to take my mind off of being here and not in europe still. as if anything could!

well, guess I'm off. have to get up and catch a plane in four hours...


Going overseas

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 8:40 am
by Julien
Zut, flute !

I am in Montpellier right now writing those few words. Sloth, you said that drinking age in France is 16 but it seems that no one in France is aware of this limit :-).
We could have a beach party if you can post to this board during your trip. There is nothing to add to the previous advices, but if you can read this board while in france, don't hesitate to make some noise and i'll try to help you have fun !