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air force

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2002 4:50 am
my roommate will be going to boot camp in 4 days. he is the kindest man and i want to give him somethjing useful. a machetti?, no really any ideas. maps? sorry jack if this is this is too personal .

air force

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2002 5:19 am
by <jack C>
I'm not quite sure if a machetti will make it through security even though he is apart of the United States Military. But then, I really don't know where he's going or how he's getting there.

OK, I see I will no longer get any positive vibes from anyone, point taken.

air force

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2002 6:13 am
by <sarah>
I'm going to just piss everybody off and post something personal in the wrong place because dog on it Rosie, you light my fire.

Aren't MC's poems beautiful? Isn't he just beautiful?

About boot camp the best gift is some advice because as far as I know they take everything else away from you including hair, smokes, clothing, and dignity. I know the hubby was allowed phone cards and underwear that they taught him how to stencil. (All of this is going to sound very absurd, but the military is absurd)

Number one, give him a very long bath in a very hot tub with something that smells very much like a beautiful woman because he'll want to remember that. (the hubby said he got butterflies when the nurse touched his ass to give him his shots. It was the only warmth he got) Number two, he should do what they say, that's very very important in gaining the privilege of calling your loved ones, and he shouldn't hate himself for hating the guy who screws up everything and gets his privilege to call loved ones taken away. Number three, ignore the rule about not hugging or showing public affection at the graduation ceremony. When you go see him, and please, please go, give him a huge fat hug -- he will need it more than anything else. Oh and letters, send many letters that smell good, and contain nothing pornographic. They made one guy where a thong around the base, and nothing else. It's making me sick thinking about them.

He should also remember that it is temporary.

His entire experience could be different from my husband's. I hope so, really, really!!

I hate the military so much for all the wrong and personal reasons. God, I wish your friend wasn't doing this to himself. If he's kind I'm so scared for him because they are the polar opposite of kind! I wish I could be more encouraging; I hate to be such a party pooper about anything, but I can't lie about it, so there you go.

air force

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2002 6:19 am
by <sarah>
Hey Jack,
I took so long in writing my post that I didn't see yours before i posted. Smile, because I was joking about pissing people off, okay? You may have all my positive vibes -- I have a great big bag of them right here at my feet, in fact it's bottomless.

air force

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2002 10:10 pm
okay, sarah, i took your advice. he is getting a stripper. the stripper can give him a nice long bath and a pep talk. i'll explain later...

air force

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2002 11:55 pm
by mccutcheon
if you get him a stripper you are going to force him to come out of the closet the day before he goes into the air force. he doesn't need this drama. I think this is a bad idea. on the other hand, if the stripper is already paid for, I could always....

air force

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 12:57 am
.......always what? should i get 2 pairs of handcuffs. double d's platinum,a perfect match for you.

air force

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 5:55 am
by <h.>
Naw, Rosie. No double d's for you. wouldn't be fitting. Beside's, tits that big are like those 3 ball suspension doohickies you see on peoples desks. You know the one's I'm talking about, you pull one ball back and it smacks the one in the middle causing the other to fly out and make that annoying "click click" sound. At least that's the way I see men looking at it.. "let me bat at this one and see if the other one flies out to the side, uh huh huh huh..."
All you need are those nice gams.
The stripper is a fine idea. What man would be opposed to that? Especially when going off to be physically and mentally crushed by the military.
At least he'll have something fun to focus on if it gets bad.