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the Matt, Myke, & Tom show

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 5:45 pm
by Myke115
I've got a while here at LaGuardia before my flight leaves so I thought I'd logon and make a post.

Good times were had in NYC about a year after my last excursion up. I got to hang out with Matt and Tom -- but not at the same time. Matt and I mostly walked around the city on Friday including a roundtrip on the Staten Island Ferry. We shared a meal and on Sunday saw the Hitchehiker's Guide to the Galaxy somewhere near Union Square. I told him on the way out that if he were any character in the movie, it would be the free wheeling Zaphrod Beeblebrox whereas I'd end up the hapless Arthur Dent. Tom would be the interestingly sublime Ford Prefect .. friend to both but not really like either. Speaking of Ford -- he was played in the movie by Mos Def one of the few hip hop artists that seems to be making a decent run at movie stardom. He's good. Loved him in the Italian Job and I think they're making a sequel. But I digress ... Tom was coming into town on Saturday night but Matthew was all pooped out so he stayed in. Tom picked me up in Chelsea near where I was staying and wanted to go have a few drinks. I was big time hungry so I figured we'd have a drink or two and then some grub. But alas ... one drink turned into three right as some short little beatnick punk was hitting on Tom at the bar we were at. I wanted to beat him down like the southern redneck (not) that I am (not) but Tom wouldn't let me. He wanted to show me a club in the city prior to grabbing some food so we went there next. It was dead on arrival when we got there but filled up quick, quick, quick. We never left. We drank and danced the night away. It was good times.

Oddly ... I never shared a drop of alcohol with Matt as I had figured I would. But I did get to share quite a bit with Tom. All good times. And Tom, I'm sorry for, well, you know.

Now I need to get myself back out to the west coast before the end of the summer.