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Pax Romana

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 1:41 pm
by Maverick
Hi all, from Rome. Just stopped into an Internet cafe to find a hotel for the night, and escape the thousands of marching people with flags that say 'Pace' and 'Muerte Imperialisme'.

Yes, we've stumbled upon a peace march that rivals those that I've witnessed in seattle. They're marching past ruins thousands of years old, and blockbuster video. The local radio station seems to have taken up the cause and is broadcasting loud music for the enjoyment of the marchers, and periodically interviewing witnesses.

It's 1 part party, 1 part protest, and many parts anti american.

To those of you who are members ofthe international community on here, I want to say something that I'm sure you already know, but I'm in rant mode. America is not only it's government. It is a land with curious, intelligent, ambitious people who (for the most part) respect the rest of the world, and wish to know more about it, not convert it to "our" way of thinking.

That's why I am here, to see what other places are like, places with history, with passion. I get frustrated in the US withthe lack of both of these things many times, but being away from the USA also makes me appreciate some of what we have. The world would be a better, more peaceful place if we all judged each other on an individual basis, rather than by the reputation of our country.

Anyway, I'm awestruck by the amazing works of art, historical monuments, and cultural idiosyncracies that I've seen. Venice has been my favorite so far, and I hope t oreturn there with more time someday in the not too distant future.

Best to all of you, and remember to get out and travel whenever you can!

Pax Romana

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 1:43 pm
by Maverick
I didnt mean to put this under Art, but thats where it ended up. Should've been in Travel or No war for oil, but oops. I guess art is close enough, since theres tons of it here.