TV theme songs.

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TV theme songs.

Post by Myke115 »

Other than Seinfeld and a select few others, I generally don't like most TV comedy shows. For some unexplained reason, though, I can' t get the theme to Gilligan's Island out of my head. I think I actually know the whole damn thing. I shall purge it from my head by typing it out.

Here goes:

"Well, just sit right back and you'll here a tale.
A tale of a fateful trip.
That started on a tropic shore aboard this tiny ship.

The mate was a mighty sailor man, the skipper brave and sure.
Five passengers that sailed that day on a three hour tour, a three hour tour [insert sound of lightening].

The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed.
If not for the courage of the fearless crew, the Minow would be lost, the Minow would be lost.

The ship struck ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle ... with Gilliagan, the Skipper to. A Millionare ... and his wife. A movie star! The professor and MaryAnn, here on Gilligan's Isle!"

How sad for me.

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Bigus Dickus
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TV theme songs.

Post by martino »

man, if there was a good cd with theme songs available, i'd go out and buy it right now.

i like to download the wav files and listen to them, loop-style, but it ain't the real thing.

my favorites are mostly the cheezy 1970's ones. kojak, canon and whatnot. but also the snazzy 60's anthems: the odd couple, mission impossible (only original, never by U2), get smart, prisoner (whatever happened to patrick mcgoohan?), secret agent, lost in space, the addams family... yeah call me old school.
Mile High Club
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TV theme songs.

Post by rabbit »

cant forget knight rider.
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TV theme songs.

Post by Maverick »

Magnum PI theme song rocks!