Thank you, George W Bush

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Bigus Dickus
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Thank you, George W Bush

Post by martino »

tomorrow is the day we germans vote who's going to govern the country for the next four years.

until a few weeks ago, it looked like the present coalition of social democrats and green party people was going to lose, and we would have conservatives running the country again.

but then this iraq business came to a head and our head of government, chanceller g schroeder, found he had a safe vote-winner on his hands. he declared he would not participate in an invasion into iraq, no matter what.

looks like this won him around 5-7 points, and with luck, he will win the election tomorrow. hell, even my 8o year old mother will be voting for schroeder -- changed her mind for sure.

and bush will have got himself a former friend as an ally. strange how these things work, isn't it?

i never thought i would be grateful to bush for anything but if he helped keep our government in office, i'll be glad.
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Swedish Sloth
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Thank you, George W Bush

Post by Sloth »

Hurray for Bush!

Making Germany a safer place for Social Democrats!
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Thank you, George W Bush

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I just read Dubya has decided to attack Iraq pretty much no matter what (as if that was a surprise).

I bet they will find shit. Like nuclear weapons. I bet they may plant some extra ones there just to be sure. Otherwise it would be the start of World War III. Why?

You can't just go around attacking countries for no good reason, like having aluminum tubes. Even if they did put a hit out on your dad. Because Saddam watches too many damn Coppola and Scorcese flicks.

If any US soldiers are out there... and they call you to battle... remember British Columbia has the best pot on earth for $20 Canadian an eighth.

I repeat... do not attaq Iraq. All this could be avoided if someone offers Saddam a role in the next Al Pacino gangster film. That's all he really wants... Western fame and glory. I'll buy the popcorn.
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Thank you, George W Bush

Post by marky »

And let's remember. Most of the people in the U.S. didn't even vote for him. I wonder how possible it might be to get the constitution
changed when the democrats are in power again
so that this ridiculous electoral college business is done away with.

Martino I saw a picture today of a poster displayed in Germany that had a funny picture of Bush in Rambo style gear, kindof like a movie poster. Have you seen that?

Also I wonder if anyone here is aware of the website. It's pretty funny
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Thank you, George W Bush

Post by martino »

mark: nope, haven't seen it, but i like this one:


by the way, this is from "the reverse cowgirl's blog -- wherein a writer attempts to justify the enormity of her porn collection", which is an amusing and confusing and sexy thing.
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Thank you, George W Bush

Post by martino »

forgot to mention the address:

the reverse cowgirl's blog
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Thank you, George W Bush

Post by mccutcheon »

I want the good bush bad bush as a Pax Acidus T-shirt. way fucking cool. And it's too hot in the evil heat.
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Thank you, George W Bush

Post by martino »

t-shirt: make it, and i'll buy it. or don't make it, and i'll make em myself...

anyway, schroeder and my man fischer made it by a whisker last night. at 6 pm i was cussing, cause the news said we had lost. at 8 it was a draw. and at 4 am we won. high drama, as if i needed that.

so i continue to be glad to be living in a country with a progressive government, as much as i love the us and would have moved there many times in the past -- if they had let me, and if i had had any job prospects whatsoever. for the moment i am relieved we got lucky last night, and were spared the kind of election day confusion and crime you folks had to go through two years ago.

so thanks again, gwb, and fuck you too, btw.
<Jack Chiefton>

Thank you, George W Bush

Post by <Jack Chiefton> »

Mark- are/were you in favor of having the democratic nomination go to Al Gore? Al Gore is one of the more conservative democRATS. I'm willing to bet Gore would have succumbed to the pressure of executives, and we would be dealing with the same probability of war even if he was in office.

" I will vote third party till the day i die."
- Moses on the corner and myself
<Jack Chiefton>

Thank you, George W Bush

Post by <Jack Chiefton> »

whoa- i think my last post sounded pro-bush, which i am essentially, but not of president bush.

anyway, i would have rather seen gore win, but the similarities between the two are nauseating.

in Wisconsin the primaries just came to a conclusion, which now leads to Rep. MaCallum squaring off against Dem. Doyle.

However, the brother of Dubya's cronie Tommy Thompson (former governor of Wisconsin), Ed Thompson, will be running as well under the libertarian party. In the primaries Ed collected only 4% of the vote in which he needed 6% to participate in the debates. But now, a statewide poll must be taken in order to see if libertarian Thompson and Green Party Jim Young will be allowed to take the podium and let their views be known during debates.

Ed is a colorfull character, and I can't believe he came from the same gene pool as his older brother Tommy.

So Martino, it's good to hear that your progressive government is doing well in Germany. Here in Wisconsin, and hopefully some day the whole country, we'll see a Green Party or libertarian politician "calling the shots."
<Jack Chiefton>

Thank you, George W Bush

Post by <Jack Chiefton> »

I changed my mind. I really don't give a fuck.
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Thank you, George W Bush

Post by martino »

with all due respect, jack:

bush is not gore. gush=bore is a lame equation.

let me ask you this: when was the last time the US waged a war without the support of all its major allies, or without a UN mandate?

korea: UN mandate
vietnam: support from all allies
gulf war: UN mandate

reagan, for example, picked his fights carefully and got his ass out of lebanon when it got rough. clinton consulted his allies before he did anything.

the only parallel i can think of for today's situation is when nixon bombed cambodia. no wonder some people speak of the cheney-rumsfeld-bush regime.

here's an excerpt from today's

"Gore blasts Bush's war plans
The former vice president takes the gloves off, saying Bush has squandered the world's goodwill, is failing to focus on the war on terrorism and could be creating a global "reign of fear."

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Edward W. Lempinen

Sept. 24, 2002  |  SAN FRANCISCO -- With Congress already debating a resolution that would allow a U.S. invasion of Iraq, former Vice President Al Gore warned Monday that unilateral military action to topple Saddam Hussein would divert the nation from the more crucial war on terrorism, possibly increase the threat from Iraq, anger the rest of the world and saddle the staggering American economy with a huge war bill.

Gore's speech, delivered to a cheering crowd in San Francisco, was the most comprehensive and the most withering attack on Bush policies to date by a potential Democratic presidential contender. While acknowledging Iraq as a "serious threat" and describing Saddam as "evil," Gore charged that Bush's inept handling of the war against Afghanistan and his near-unilateral campaign against Saddam were undermining U.S. foreign policy goals and the nation's credibility abroad.

He blasted Bush for failing to stabilize Afghanistan, nine months after routing the Taliban from power. He accused Bush and the Republicans of cynically using Iraq as a political issue in the weeks leading up to November's midterm elections. He charged that Bush's stated policy of unilateral action is turning even allies against the United States. And he warned that the new doctrine announced last week by the administration, asserting the right of the United States to take unilateral, preemptive action against any country perceived as a threat, would set a precedent encouraging other countries to take preemptive action, creating a global "reign of fear."

"I am deeply concerned that the course of action we are presently following with respect to Iraq has the potential to seriously damage our ability to win the war against terrorism and to weaken our ability to lead the world in this new century," Gore said.

"In the immediate aftermath of Sept. 11, a year ago, we had an enormous reservoir of good will and sympathy and shared resolve all over the world," he added later in the speech. "That has been squandered in a year's time and been replaced with great anxiety all around the world, not primarily about what the terrorist network is going to do, but about what we are going to do."

<Jack Chiefton>

Thank you, George W Bush

Post by <Jack Chiefton> »

well, words are words. Gore is out of the picture right now, so his actions can't be assumed. Gore can say this at the height of Bush's unpopularity, only to poke at the republican party, but we just don't know how Gore would have reacted to the almost inevitability of this mess, pending war.
<Jack Chiefton>

Thank you, George W Bush

Post by <Jack Chiefton> »

And just because the previous battles at Vietnam and Korea were "supported" by a UN majority, does not make them right.

Did Clinton really consult his allies after he pulled the trigger and bombed that "chemical lab" in.....(I want to say Sudan, but the actual place skips my mind)?
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Swedish Sloth
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Thank you, George W Bush

Post by Sloth »

Yeah Jack... nice one... it was the Sudan and it killed "tens of thousands" of people, according to some well informed krauts in the area. Mostly women and children. Apparently when Osama bin Laden mentions that massacre he scores points with even the moderate muslims.

News flash... America is a leading terrorist state. Believe it. Anyone remember Lebanon? Nicaragua? Cuba? Do I need to go on? Am I preaching to the choir?

Chomsky has been quoted as saying so. Everyone in Britain believes it now. Blair admited the only reason he is supporting Bush is because if he doesn't Washington will be even more aggressive and unilaterally.

The USA makes Israel look peaceful.

I've said it before.. Rumsfield and Cheney are butt buddies from hell and they take turns sucking Satan's cock on a daily basis.

Where are these nuclear and biological weapons that Iraq is supposed to have? Where?

Who has the most of them in the world? The USA. IRAQ IS NOT A THREAT TO ANYONE BUT KUWAIT! News Flash number two!

It's all bullshit to get the papers to stop reporting the Enron et al economy scandal. The Gulf War Distraction... Part Deux. Anyone who fights in this war is being used like a tampon.... meaning they are going to be cunted, bloodied, and then flushed down the toilet.

Oh my God I just made that last one up... that's pretty good...ain't no thing but a chicken wing for me.