beautiful girls at bus stops attract copcabs

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Old Skool Pax
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beautiful girls at bus stops attract copcabs

Post by h. »

Jesus, Rosie and I get into too much trouble. What started out as having one little drink last night ended up an epic adventure from one seedy drinking establishment to another, from Broadway all the fuckin' way down Pine St.
We even hit Linda's twice for some godawful reason. I had a blast though, getting trashed with a table full of foxes, the ever gorgeous Julia being one of them.
At the end of our adventure, Rosie and I decided to take the bus home but we couldn't figure out the bus schedule and just as we're getting somewhat verbally abusive toward the damned people who designed it so drunk people such as ourselves could not read it, a cop rolls up. He has his lights flashing so of course we both think we're busted for something (public intoxication, anyone???), look at each other and then figure we'll beat him to busting us by asking for a ride home. He puts us in the back where there are no handles and Rosie proceeds to lie about how we know each other,figuring the guy is already going to know where we live so maybe he shouldn't know too much about us. So now, Rosie and I take spanish class together. I'm really glad he didn't ask for us to try and say something in spanish...
The copcab driver was nice and gave us his card so if we need his services again, we can call. Unfortunately, some of our neighbors (or room-mates in Rosie's case) saw us being dropped off by a cop car and now think we were arrested.
So, we have monster truck cab service (which I think I'll pass on because I got hurt last time I took that mode of transport) and copcab. I think we'll have to call him next time we're having trouble reading. Gotta love that good clean fun.