Tens of thousands of Iranians have taken to the streets in Tehran in a massive show of defiance against the United States, marking the anniversary of the Iranian revolution when Iran ousted the American approved but unpopular Shah.
Leaders across the political spectrum had called on people to turn out and demonstrate their opposition to the US following President George Bush's denunciation of Iran as part of an "axis of evil".
Men, women and children marched through Tehran shouting: "Our people are awake, and hate America", and other slogans against the US and Israel.
Official US reaction was to moan and say "who cares what those fucking Arabs think because we can blow them up any time we want..."
I remember when I first read of Bush's
use of the term "axis of evil". Something
just hit me as not quite right about it.
Evil is everywhere...but exclusively in
one or a few countries? If only life were
that simple.
How come Ross Rebliagti couldn't get into the states because he smoked pot 4 years ago but your President can lead the most pwerful country in the world while he's snapped up on Coke?
Ross Rebligati, that snowboarder from years back? I'd let him in, and smoke one with him as well.
Well anyways, we only THINK we're the most powerful country in the world. And everybody else seems to agree with it. So if everyone feeds our ego, then we grow in the mind, causing our technological experts to devote their entire lifes to constructing weapons of mass destruction because in turn they are rewarded with nobel prizes and the like. By having the support of our government to construct these weapons, this intimidates everyone, so they join the rat race and construct their own. So if we have this feeling of power, and we have shit heads jacking off to the thought of contributing to our "powerful" country in negative manners, Then everything spins out of control into a paroxysm, which is where we are at now.
Einstein was a shit head.
Bush isn't a coke head. He's a shit head. There's a big difference. Maybe we do need someone who snorts coke or smokes tons of pot to run our country. It would be quite interesting.
We can go back to our constitution. The authors of it were imperialists with a lot of money. Their ideas were to create a better future for both their continued family members and for the wealthy. Do you think the farmers and laborers sat next to the imperialists and shook their hands after they wrote it? Hell no. I'm willing to bet that some farmers died not knowing we had a constitution.
The right to bear arms: Does this include Nukes? A-Bombs, I mean the constitution is so skewed I think it needs to be modified.
i would not liek to fuck bush up the ass, sheeesh, i'm so drunk i might puke i haven't puked in years, wow am i messed up, rosie gwb is a shithead so is einstein, baudelaire is not, neither is hemingway or rimbaud or kerouac. they nkenwosadljvlksdjfklsdf;lndsv;csavas
The Bush administration has activated Cold War-era plans for a "shadow government" consisting of 75 or more senior officials who live and work secretly outside Washington in case the nation's capital is crippled by terrorist attack, a senior government official said Thursday night. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the operation has been in effect since the first hours after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks but has evolved over time...
If this is supposed to make me feel secure why does it scare the hell out of me?
The Enron-Cheney-Taliban Connection?
Ron Callari, Albion Monitor
Could the Big Secret of the Enron scandal be that Cheney and the White House were working closely with the Taliban -- on Enron's behalf -- up to a few weeks before Sept. 11?
alternet was helpful, sort of. I just saw some guilt loaded propaganda/public awareness announcement with sixteen year olds going from saying "I'm not hurting anyone" to "Drug use supports terrorism." It made me feel like puking. Then I checked the site and saw the article about ten questions not being answered, and low and behold,a question about drugs and terrorism; I need to get a notebook out and start a graphic organizer in order to make sense of all this.
Anybody who doubts that the current US government is more interested in mind control than liberty is fooling themselves.
If they can make McCutcheon political then they must be really bad.
But as bad as they appear to be, they are not nearly as bad as my hangover today. I was out with the course director last night and me and Linda drank two bottles of wine with dinner after coming directly from a four hour pub session. After dinner we went to another bar. I think the course director knows why I never go to class now.