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Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 6:03 pm
by <mccutcheon>
Saudi Arabia acknowledged for the first time that 15 of the Sept. 11 suicide hijackers were Saudi citizens, but said Wednesday that the oil-rich kingdom bears no responsibility for their actions. Previously, Saudi Arabia had said the citizenship of 15 of the 19 hijackers was in doubt despite U.S. insistence they were Saudis. But Interior Minister Prince Nayef told The Associated Press that Saudi leaders were shocked to learn 15 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.

Do you remember the Gulf War. The Big asshole Bush who sprung the little asshole Bush was leading this country and I swear to God that everyday was like 4th of July because every fucking person was waving the American flag. And why were we told we were in the Gulf War? Because we had to protect Saudi Arabia from evil Iraq. I'm glad to see they appreciated it.I know Americans are stupid and don't know history but I love them (most of them are sexy and fun) but shit when will they stop believing the lies?

Ever feel cheated and out of control? You should. The people who have control of American policy on the worls scale are gonna get your loved ones killed and they will call it heroic. Lies! Your blood and death is freedom? Freedom to have a dollar Big Mac, to have some Irish cunts sing you songs on the grid iron that are supposed to give you pride and the chills, see Britteny Spears big tits to buy a Pepsi cola, to be a pawn in thier game. The frat boys are winning. And for what, to do what? You have the freedom to be ignorant. Believe the fucking lies and go back to the tv.

This Jack is why we have Pax Acidus. It doesn't count and it does. It's the Sloth and my stand against the assholes. It's not much but it's more than most. How sad is that? Two wasted lovely boys trying to get into girls pants-- and they are understanding more than the average Joe. How sad is that? Makes me want to cry. I no longer laugh at Bush's drug habbit. It scares the hell out of me. It's all idiot and no savant.

Now I'm going back to fiction and music and dreaming of girls I miss. I hate this shit.


Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 7:02 pm
by <mccutcheon>
Jack, before you jump on my back i want to say something. I think you are a bright young man much more intelligant than myself. I am stupid Jack! I can't spell. i love to fuck. Given the choice to eith fuck a French fashion model or vote in an American election I be in the George V on the Champs faster than you can say Bagette, and that ain't right Jack. Is it fair i would do this, fuck a Frech fashion model, is it fair to all the people who died in Vietnam? You know if we didn't go to war there Pax Acidus wouldn't exist and we would all be eating with chop sticks now. You know Jack that MSG gives a headache! How could we live this way? (By the way Jack most models aren't French--they just live in is the thing, of all the models I have had relations with in Paris and New York none of them were actually French, or born in NYC.) But ytou don't want to hear about this, my sex life...we have the world to save. and we have to save the world from Americans. We are damned. Bring back the Kennedys- they keep dying Jack _I loved JFK! He fucked M.M. the sexy goddess, was a bit of a prick, but wow I would let him lead me, i would be proud to stand next to this man and shake his hand. Both Bush boys, well let's just say the state of Texas ain't big enough for the three of us. Don't mess with bush Jack, unless that bush belongs to a fashion model and you are going down on her and it's the first time a man really looked away from her face and licked her where the light bulb flash of the photograph don't shine. she will love it Jack i know. i can also feel your pain Jack. There aren;t too many fashion models in Madison Wisconsin, I could give you the number. Also there is this super foxy chick (who would hate the word chick and probably prefer womyn) I met at this party. she is from New York but now lives in Olypia, the cap of Washington stae Jack. Rosie and I both kissed her at the same time a few nights ago- and three way kiss. the party was hot and so were we even when we were outside by the cage and Beth had on a slight shawl and the goose flesh of her clevage gave me such a nice turn on, so nice that Rosie and I went and fucked our brains out that night. Rosie, as I'm sure you don't have to be told Jack is super sexy, foxy extreme and a great lover with talent beyound belief. Now back to this other thing, I told Beth about this Pax Acidus thing but she never bothered to look at it. But I have her web address and she is doing great things I will link in her web site. it's under construction. But why do i talk about Beth instead of Fashion models living in France (see i no longer type French model--it's lmissleading and we are trying to get to the truth here) I mention Beth because she is the kind of person who might have actually come and taken a look aty Pax Acidus and never bothered to reply...see Beth and I had a great connection, besides the three way kissing, and she could come here and look and read and listen and see it is worthless. But Jack you said Pax Acidus is pointless, maybe. See don't leave it up to me Jacj, You and Beth are the people who need to help save the world. Sloth and I are too old, wasted, and fucked to do too much. we need rocking chairs when YOU Jack can Rock the vote! You and Beth are the people we need. Rosie says Bush happens and thinks bin Laden is sexy, but that is Rosie. and I would rather fuck a fashion model in Paris than vote or fight for this country. I'm a lover not a fighter Jack. So i leave it to your youth. Make your own website that sin't pointless and change the world. See I would do it but fasion model pussy is so good to look at and taste and be inside. I'm sure you have learned by now Jack that the best women with the best faces always have the best pussies. my only problem is that you can't really talk to a fashion model so you get drunk for 10 or so hours and then get right back to the fucking. see I'm occuiped. i have a busy scheduale. So it's YOU JACK!!!!! JACK you are going to save us! we fucking need it. 20 years old. that is John Walker and he will never see daylight again! action, cause and effect. I love NYC I love my country i love John Walker! Doesn't Jesus? and I'm a bit like Jesus because Sloth is GOD! but really I'm only Jesus because my mother was Spanish. that's a joke Jack. As you go to save the worls never lose your sense of humor. I love you Jack! p.s. don't worry i'll write soon. and good luck with the French teacher. i know how sexy french women are, models or not they turn me on the most! and being turned on is all i care about! See it's you Jack!!!!!! save us from our selfs! save us from America.


Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 11:13 pm
by <jack chiefton>
Well.... i'm not quite sure where your sudden inspiration to bring this all up sprang from Mc. You get a hold of some mushrooms or something? That was some off the wall prose you threw out there. French models, sex and war. Good stuff though. To be honest with you, I really dont know how to respond, other than starting with this "pointless" website I so nonchalantly refered to the other day. That comment was more a sudden burst of energy (definitely) not positive, and i really have been working on running my mouth. If I really did think it was pointless, why else would I post here just about everyday? I might be different in a lot of ways from you guys, but my love for drugs, booze, and honest fucking crazy short stories brings me back for more(even though you two haven't written much short stories lately and my drug habit has subsided a bit).

Anyways, I love America as well. I love the people, I love the feeling of being able to wake up in the morning and having the freedom to do pretty much anything to my liking. I love knowing that I can walk out the door in the morning and get blasted in the face with the sweet warmth of the suns rays instead of the cold edge of a bullet aimed at me from some misguided fundamentalist.

You know what I don't love about it? I hate evil capitalism, I hate old rich executive pricks who cash in on the hard working middle class, I hate Christianity that preaches it's alright to die for a government that hates you, I hate a government that thinks it's alright to kill both innocent Americans and innocent Afghanis, innocent innocent innocent people all around the world in the past the present and of course the future of innocent life. Our government thinks they have the power to play GOD, are they that fucking arrogant? Yes. I hate Bush, I hate Gore, Clinton (who by the way should have had his ass kicked off the bus the day he dropped the bombs in Africa) the way Happy B-day Ronnie Reagan you mush brained old fart.... Yes I think we're taught the wrong values and the wrong facts in school, people like Howard Zinn should be assigned more in study and where is everbody else you ask? Well, like you said Mc, they're too busy stuffing their fat fucking faces(i'm really starting to love alliteration) with big macs and shopping for blue light specials at wal-mart to give a shit about anything or anyone else. Shit I'm only 23, some might say that's young and I've got a long life left to make a difference, but I'm starting to doubt that myself.

Our government should designate a one party system: the Demo-Republics. There's not much difference between the two parties and don't kid yourself if you think there is. That's why I voted Libertarian. Although the Green party might get my vote in the next election for reality purposes. Actually tonight I'm thinking about going to a socialist convention. That should be...odd, I wonder if the armed guards will be waiting by the door with batons and rubber bullets. I won't eat any of the appetizers there of course I remember reading about a socialist convention back in the 70's where 60 people got sick and 3 died from getting "food poisoning" at the snack bar.

But I write this, and when I'm done I'll turn off the computer, grab my books, walk out of the library down to the local coffee shop(silently cursing the idiots in the starbucks as i pass) check out all the beautiful tight asses feeling like a dirty old man, and I'll go back to "studying" all in the good name of me myself and I.... And that's ego-centric America at its best man.


Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 11:19 pm
by Jack Chiefton
By the way, I had to laugh at your remark Mc about me being young and inteligent. I feel more like a burnt out old squash brained ronnie reagan.

Apostle? What the hell?


Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 11:55 pm
by <mccutcheon>
well yeah I have a few short stories in the works but the true blood sweat and tears effort is in the novels. Wrote 23 pages this moring (remember the time difference) took three pills and drank 5 pint size beers so far today and of course the mumble on the BB to you. I know I feel like Pax Acidus is getting let down because we should always provide more contnet. But fuck it. I'm weak and slow. (that's where you come in Jack-- my make us sticky, not cum sticky finger of the Rolling Stones and Andy Warhol, but website sticky. People come to read Jack Chiefton. It's free entertain ment.

As for me- Rosie is in flying through the air as I type and if I don't pass out by the time she gets back we are going to get drunk and screw! Gotta stick to what I'm good at.