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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2001 4:59 pm
by sarah
Have you seen this movie?
The story's so pretty, the scenes are so pretty, Amelie is so pretty.
If you've seen it, yipee.
If not take your ladies, lady-friends, or the chick that's at the grocery store this afternoon.
Cunts, bitches, and hos can be magically transformed just by watching this movie -- (I think)


Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2001 7:56 pm
by mccutcheon
Saw Amelie and thought it was utter crap. Behind Enemy Lines, now there is a patrotic movie you can cheer about. kidding SARAH, Amelie is a fairy tale and I think the best feel good movie I have seen this year. Paris looks so pretty and they didn't even show the Eiffel Tower. Loved it. we used to make fires up by the church. anyway Behind Enemy Lines sucks the big rotten eggs and they are all wearing pancake make up, lip stick and eye liner. WHY? The fuck if I know. We will see Owen and Gene in a much better film in a weeks time.


Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2001 9:18 pm
by Sloth
Yeah I am not really a fan the cinema but I liked Amelie. Scenes of Paris no longer make me shake now that I am a train ride away. They used to send me into manic states where I found it hard to breathe.

Today I say Evolution and boy was that one stinker. Even for a rental. I guess that could have been easily predicted. All that needs to be said is that poor special effects plus poor dialogue plus no plot and bad actors didn't help things. Sorry Mc, I know you have a thing for Heather but her attempt to transmute into a brainy type isn't translating well onto celluoid. Maybe she needs to break out the roller skates...


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 12:21 am
by <mmenabi>
sloth i was the same way when i went into area 51 on pine street once after a strong cup of french press coffee at 611. i first saw that they were hiring and then noticed that they had knocked down the prices of pretty much all of that beautiful furniture. i had to take myself outside, breathe, and smoke a cigarette. Anyhow, I saw royal tenenbaums last week. i loved it, of course. and i even hate gwenyth paltrow. gene hackman was excellent. cheers~nabi


Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2002 5:29 am
by <groovinkim>
i didn't like amelie.

then again i am old and bitter.


Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 6:32 pm
by martino
Paris ain't like that anymore and the director of the film tried a bit too hard to make the film charming, and to make Amelie lovable. But all the French I know are fans of this movie, because it reminds them of an ideal Paris everyone has in his mind.

But here's an anecdote you might find amusing. For my daughter's 11th birthday party I struggled to find something special to do until she said, let's all go to a movie. Harry Potter was booked out, Lord of Rings not on yet, so I took the gang of 14 giggly girls to Amelie, not really knowing what it was about but secure in the knowledge that here it Germany it had a "from six years" rating.

So there I was, with a group of pre-adolescent girls, feeling I had made a terrible mistake, looking at Amelie graphically fantasizing how many Parisians were having an orgasm. (By the way, 15 couples in simultaneous orgasm is pretty unrealistic from my pov). And later watching two middle age people fuck in a rest room, I felt sure I had given some of the girls a shock for their life - and that their parents would never forgive me.

Well, the kids loved the movie. Afterwards, going home by subway, they tried hard to shock some adults by simulating orgasm noises but otherwise they simply agreed it was a great film.

Never underestimate kids' abilities to understand important things, I say.