
News for discussion
Jack Chiefton
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Post by Jack Chiefton »

Everyone have a great and safe new year. Watch out for falling bullets. Watch out for the 4 horsemen. Watch out for suicidal maniacs. Watch out for skunky beer. Watch out for ditch weed. Watch out for ignorance.
Talk to you all in 2001.

- Jack
Jack Chiefton
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Post by Jack Chiefton »

Can someone please explain to me what rastafarians have against the Catholic church besides the obvious? What do rastas stand for, I mean, what is their complaint?

After further review, barfly is a pretty entertaining movie. I don't see any comparison what so ever to Bukowski's writing, but besides that, it is an entertaining movie with some ideal motives. Is any else still drunk???

Jack Chiefton
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Post by Jack Chiefton »

Has everyone died? Alcohol poisoning or what? I mean, I am a lonely man, I talk to no one accept for the few that take the time to reply to my outbursts over the electronic message system.
I mean, isn't a computer fucked up anyways?? If not a computer then how about the internet? I bet you that cowboys weren't sitting around saloons back in the 1880's forcasting the future, saying that "one day I see a great notion of interaction. It is a computer. One will be able to interact with others over the computer via the internet!!"

As much as I use a computer, I hate it and I hate everthing it stands for. Just the other day I got into a yelling match with some ignorant person who claimed he saw the demise of the book in favor of the computer. That is absurd. The book will never fall, especially to the computer. Man, I must sound like a hypocrite or something, sitting here typing away, speaking of the faults of the computer.
But, the computer does have its few good qualities. You can stumble up to a computer in the morning, drunk, and type a paper with only half of your brain functioning. It takes alot of enery to pick up a journal or a pad of papeer and a pen or pencil and begin to write something down. Oh, what a lost art hand writing has become. What would F. Scott Fitgerald or Charles Baudelaire have to say about our 21st century antics?

Is change really that great?? I mean, if there was no change, we would all be Europeans, and Indians would be running this country. Ponder that why don't you.

What about our hopelessness of not being able to fend for ourselves?? Whenever we feel an urge of immediate satisfaction coming on, we bust out our money and we fulfill those urges by buying our happiness. Whether it be food, drink, drugs, entertainment, transportation.......

Did you know that back around 100 b.c., the Ancient Mayans used to lace their tobacco with a drug that they grew that would make them hallucinate?? What about agriculture?? It was started by the Chinese and the meso-americans around 3000 b.c. Farming and agriculutre has become a lost art form, and how dare anyone bombard their egotistical opinions AGAINST the farmer??

These days when we are hungry we just pry our hungover asses off the couch, put on a shirt and pants, and walk to the nearest grocery store to buy all the great foods that will fill our stomachs.

Man I love existence, but am I wrong when I suggest that we are drawing close to the end??? I mean, what else is there?? What else could we invent or conjure up that will make our materialistic, self gratifying personalities experience a day of happiness??

Do we need it all??? Are we over bearing it or moving at too rapid a rate that evolution will sustain??

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Post by mccutcheon »

I can't write long hand and i don't know how to type. yet somehow the words appear. that is how existence is for me. untrained but I just try to get on with it. the only end I know that is coming is my own and everyone elses but don't underestimate the power of fucking Jack. People will still be around. and some will work at Mc Donalds and some will be farmers. and some will write and others will read books. and still others will pick thier noses and sit alone. sit alone in a space ship or on Mars or in the Twilight Zone. Science fiction futures are around the corner. Antiques might even be charised or rubbish. who knows? how exciting!
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Post by mccutcheon »

damn it's too early to be writing without a spell check. I LOVE COMPUTERS!
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Post by rforegger »

jack, saw your post on computer, evil, change etc... what caught my eye was the plant that the mayans smoked. i have a half ounce on my table. got a friend who is in the legal quality smokes and chews. check out his site at gardensofthegods.com or is it gardenofthegods.com...ryan