this is a pretty funk(E)
how are you guys?
i'm just starting my 3rd and final year at uni.
i failed last year so bad that i nearly had to redo the year
but they let me thru
it's all good really man
i gotta write a 2000 word essay to be handed in monday on "High temperature Superconducting Quantum interference devices"
i'm going out for beer, partying, and indie pop 2night tho', so that should be fun
what've u guys been up to ?
I'm heading to the Old Country (that's Europe to us yanks) next week. Gonna be in London for a week or so, then France, then Germany. Other than that I've been delving in to the world of cgi programming. Not really ropck and roll, but hey we have the bulletin board to thank for it. Truth be told I haven't necked an e or snorted a line in QUITE a while. Me, I'm just a dope-smokin computer geek with the flu for now. Peace out