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I need some porn...

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:41 am
by TragicPixie
So here's the deal (and sorry I didn't call you back last saturday marky; I have been horribly ill since.. umm... Saturday, I thought at first it was just a hangover but it was a virus or something):
My school, being a Catholic university (and inflitrated by by conservative douche bags - ... where have all the radical jesuitis gone... Not St. Louis that's where!), has decided that they will not allow the vagina monolouges to be preformed on campus this year... and while I personally think the women's organization doesn't have any balls for not telling the university to fuck off that they'll do what they want - afterall the worst that can be done is they will lose their charter as a campus organization but no one can stop a group of students from walking in and holding a meeting in the free meeting rooms in the student center....

We have been asked to provide a counter-arguement and the monolouges must take place off campus: which effectively gets them off this campus cause bougy white kids don't walk aroudn the city of St. Louis, and the university repeatedly discourages this.

So I need some porn because although I will try my best to make sure on V-day as many women as I can get preform the monolouges all day in the quad I am presenting a counter agruement:

(if you want to read the argument it can be found on the Cardinal Newman Soceity's website, campaign against v monolouges)

If women, especially young women, are not presented to female sexuailty in the sacred and open environment of the vagina monolouges; encouraging ALL aspects of female sexuality and the vagina: they will learn about and encounter these subjects from men all over.
So I need as many offensive porn shots as possible, centerfolds, facials, moneyshot, etc.
So I can write:
This Is How <insert Catholic university> Wants Your Daughter to Learn About Sexuality

So pleese help me out? Come on, I'm sure you guys have more experience with porn than I do ...

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 7:12 am
by Sloth
No offence but your University sounds like a bunch of retards. The Vagina Monologues is a respected play shown all over the world. It has as much to do with porn as an psychology class has to do with meatballs.

I would leave and go to school somewhere else. You are not going to learn anything about life there.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 7:48 pm
by TragicPixie
as much as I'd like to leave and go somewhere else I'm stuck here now. But I can honestly say things have changed A LOT in the last two years.
But at least if they try to kick me out for doing something it'll look like I've done something other than be exceptionally clever and managed to finish two degrees a year early.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 11:03 am
by marky
Be careful what you ask for with the porn, stuff, Trixie, I mean...fuck...Pixie...why did I want to say Trixie? Kicks are for kids. Hahahahaha. Cereal commercial...

anway I was going to say be careful what you wish for in the way of porn because if I see any more porno shit about Britney Spears posted as spambotz on this website then I am going to puke. That one photo we had awhile back was well enough for a lifetime. Please god, no more.

Sloth I have a few things to tell you that you might find interesting. I will email you.