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Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:18 pm
by marky
Was walking out of the bank today and saw a little circle on the ground, perhaps it was just a stain of some kind, but for a moment I thought I was looking at the peace symbol. Then it occured to me how strange it is that we don't really see the peace symbol around much nowadays, not like in the 60's. I wished I had a bumper sticker saying "Mommy, Why don't the Republicans want peace?" Then as I continued on my way back to work, and walked up the stairs, I suddenly remembered the Curtis Mayfield song "We Gotta Have Peace" which I haven't played in quite awhile, and I nearly burst out crying.

There's such a thing as defending yourself when you have to, and then there's over-reaction. It scares the bejesus out of me that there are these rumours that the US is giving Israel weapons, just as Iran is supposedly fueling Hezbollah. That it's a "proxy war".

Baby baby baby, we gotta have peace. It's underrated, underappreciated, undervalued.

I'm stone cold sober right now by the way. What's so funny about peace love and understanding?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:21 am
by Sloth
Marky I don't think those are rumors.

There is some serious shit going down right now.

I think the lessons to be learned are:

1. Lebanese people are not worth anything.
2. Palestinians are worth less than Lebanese people.

Oh yeah... and Israel and Syria will fight until there's not a Lebanese person left.

The sad point is... the world is watching and learning that war is the answer.

And it's pretty much all Bush's and Blair's fault. They are the only two who could have stopped it. They are the modern equivalent of Nero except they were jerking each other off instead of 'playing the fiddle'.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:46 am
by marky
Another fine post, Sloth. What was Martino complaining about again?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:51 am
by marky
Okay I'm not going to post the entire lyrics for Curtis Mayfield's "We Got To Have Peace" because that's just daft and the emotional meaning doesn't come across until you hear his falsetto (that Tim Burgess from Charlatans copied, althought that's okay with me).

BUT - one lyric from Mayfield's classic only just revealed itself to me tonight - I'd always misheard it as nonsense before (we're talking the early 70's here, not the clearest production possible) -

"And the soldiers who are dead and gone/if only we could bring back one/he'd say we gotta have peace."

But like I said if you can't hear the music and him singing, it just isn't as good.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:17 pm
by mccutcheon
what album is that on. the one just called Curtis super yellow suit, is in my top five albums of all time. I never liked Pusherman that much.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:19 pm
by mccutcheon
What the world needs now is more Curtis Mayfield!

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:26 pm
by marky
You know what? I don't know what album that was on originally, or even if it appeared on a proper album. I just have it as a track on a "Best of" kind of comp. - let me see what the title of it is - "The Very Best of Curtis Mayfield" - it's on Rhino. That's the way I prefer my Mayfield, the proper albums of his I've tried have been spotty in quality. But I'm going to look it up and see if this song appeared on a regular LP. Okay - looks like it appeared on the "Roots" album (1971). I think I actually have a cassette of that. Yeah I'm almost sure of it. From the track listing, it looks like a good one to get, too because it's got "Get Down" on it as well. But I guess I just didn't like it as an overall album. And I've got "Get Down" on the comp. anyway. So you be the judge.

I actually just got back from record stores (Everyday Music and Jive Time). I'm spending all my money on music - what a surprise! I got in this weird mood today where I decided I had to have all the Romeo Void records (you know the group that does "I might like you better if we slept together/never say never"). I really don't know why, I mean I wouldn't say they're a genius band but for some reason I just felt compelled to have all their records (which are not even available on CD). Also I found a copy of Magazine's The Correct Use of Soap which made me happy cause it's produced by Martin Hannett.

I saw a vinyl copy of New Order's Movement at the store wiith a white sleeve (even when I did have it on vinyl, it was a blue sleeve) but I had to turn it down because then next weekend I won't have any spending money. And I will probably need more alcohol too. But I gotta say that selling my vinyl copy of Movement was one of THE stupidest things I ever did. One big reason for this was a particualar pop noise that happened right at the beginning of the record, that I grew to actually feel was part of the experience, this one pop noise. Crazy how you can get attached to those kinds of things. It didn't make it skip it was just this one pop noise, happened three times in succession and then it was gone. It felt like part of the music somehow.

I'm dreading having to spend $20 on fucking cat litter, too. That's at least a CD damnit!

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:42 pm
by marky
Oh jesus christ, just watch me go back down there tomorrow and get the damn New Order LP.

Sloth had said: modern equivalent of Nero

But this is weird because I just installed my old Nero software CD on my laptop last night because I wanted to be able to make CD sleeves. I made a whole lot of CD sleeves last night, I've been meaning to get these important, rare CD-R's I have out of those clumsy white envelopes with the flaps and into proper CD jewel cases, and I did it. I stayed just sober enough to accomplish an awful lot. I'm glad I got it all done. There were this set of CD's I really needed to get done for a long time, quite a lot of them (maybe 10-12) and I'm so glad it's done.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:51 pm
by marky
Also too bad Martino isn't here to hear me brag about the fact that I HAVE CAN PEEL SESSIONS!!!

One more thing from my drunk ass today - and I wanted to say this last night: I want to make sure everyone here knows that I am a Velvet Underground whore. Thank you and good night.

At least the French and the U.S. have an agreement on the middle east. That's good isn't it? Nostradamus doesn't HAVE to be right does he? For example, can we use the fact that he was a Christian against him? I mean not hold that fact against everyone, but just him, please?

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 2:21 pm
by megapulse
recently i saw a news clip called i stand for lebanon. it made me cry, a lot of things do. i'm pregnant. but it was made by this very beautiful young lebanese woman, who made what is happening to her and her country so human and real through film. i wish more people could see it.

we're not only learning that war is okay; we're also learning that racism is. with the latest planes scare people really asking for racial profiling, they want it.

my sister-in-law and her egyptian husband who is very obviously muslim will be flying into dc wednesday, and they are ready to be pulled off somewhere, questioned, and detained; they know it's going to happen. our country is so sick with fear right now.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:57 pm
by megapulse
mark, i hope you don't mind me putting this here -- it's the news article about sonia sanchez's arrest earlier this summer. it's just i think sometimes people forget that people like sonia sanchez still exist, that really we are all people with the potential to be like sonia sanchez. i really love this story. really. i really love this poet; she's amazing.

"Poet sticks to message of peace"

Sonia Sanchez remains passionate after arrest
By CHRISTINE OLLEY 215-854-5184

Sonia Sanchez is still seething over her arrest June 28 at the Armed Forces Recruitment Center on Broad Street near Arch for protesting against the war in Iraq.

"I am not mad that I was arrested," she said. "I am more upset that I live in a country that will arrest you for peacefully protesting something that you believe in."

Sanchez, a noted poet and playwright, was arrested along with several others, all members of the antiwar group Grannies for Peace, after they stormed the recruitment center - armed with their peaceful ideas and powerful words - and refused to leave.

"All we were trying to say to the recruitment officers was, 'Don't take our sons, grandsons, and godsons; take us instead,' " Sanchez said.

They asked the recruitment officers to let them enlist, but they were turned away and told that they were too old, she said.

"We were women trying to do this to focus on peace in the world. Peace always becomes more of a prominent issue in times of war," said Sanchez.

They were asked to leave the center, but the persistent seniors refused and police were called.

They wanted their message to be heard and didn't want to give up just yet.

"This earth cannot continue to support war," Sanchez lamented. "Any human being would understand the desperate need in the world today for peace."

Sanchez and her cohorts were charged with defiant trespass.

They spent less than a day in jail. Their trial is set for Dec. 1.

"Peace to me is a logical idea," Sanchez said.

"It is important to impress upon the world a need for peace.

" We have an example to set for our children that war is not the answer."

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:18 am
by Maverick
that sounds like a dumb hippie stunt to me. and not even that many people heard about it. That's the sort of thing that just makes no sense to me.

If these people want to make a difference, they should vote, and teach their children to vote.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:55 am
by marky
Except when the voting machines are all electronic and easily manipulated by the powerful money interests i.e. Republicans.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:19 pm
by megapulse
"that sounds like a dumb hippie stunt to me. and not even that many people heard about it. That's the sort of thing that just makes no sense to me.

If these people want to make a difference, they should vote, and teach their children to vote."

i hope you're kidding. i'm afraid you're not.

number one how do you know "these people" don't teach their children to vote?

number two you're so right, maverick, i mean sosososo right. nigger bitch hippies are the absolute worst because you know they saw pretty early on in their lives that even though they had the vote they didn't have the rights, amazing how that worked, and sonia sanchez is one of 'em . . . and that's why these college niggers in greensboro who had the right to vote didn't peacefully protest at lunch counters to start a revolution down south for more rights. that's exactly why they didn't do that. "these people" sure did do the right thing. especially these people like martin luther king, junior with his crazy peaceful hippie protesting ways and no, he wasn't killed while urging more and more people to try to end vietnam, crazy hippie, and then there are those old school nigger bitch people like rosa parks . . . had the right to vote, yet somehow didn't have the right to other things

i'm not a bit surprised that it doesn't make sense to you, maverick, really i'm not. you're a white male who supported the war from the get go. how's that for "these people"?

how many things have you ever been taught that you should "protest" for?

it's not her fault or shocking that the mainstream media buried that story, just like they've buried a lot of stories about protests around the country over these past few years. i went to one that was well attended last summer with the hubby in greensboro in fact -- there were protests all over the country on the same night, i even talked to a woman online the next day who'd been to one up north, her son was in the military; the hubby wore his search and rescue swimmer shirt with the back that states "so others may live" and got interviewed by someone about the fact that he was in the military and against this war; the protest was also to support cindy sheehan (big crazy hippie mom, whitie on top of it, who lost her son to the war, total looney, you know, wanting this war to end, show off stunt pulling hippie! all she wants is attention. i mean really that is why she started pulling these crazy hippie stunts, certainly not because her child was killed in a senseless war. she should have fucking taught him to vote; i say that would certainly have stopped the war and i mean it's so logical, i see the error of the the grannies thinking, if they'd taught their sons to vote, recruitment agents would stop calling kids and the military would stop spending millions advertising to them on fuse and in rolling stone magazine, making joining the military look like a video game when they are young, and our government would have taken that free access to students clause that not child left behind demands schools give to recruiters out of the legislation -- sure, that's the solution, and damn i wish i'd voted. although more people voted in this fucking election than have in years, sure voting would have been the cure, but no one fucking tried that!)

nothing about the protest that we attended was on the "normal" venues of news; although people through move on had it on their websites -- and i can promise you, if you know anything about the vote for change tour, the move on folks teach their kids to vote.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:09 pm
by megapulse
and beyond that, the comment that these people should vote is absolutely moronic and void of understanding of this issue, which is PEACE.

number one, it is the president who decided that we would go to war

number two, in the presidential election that followed the current president's decision to go to war, the opposing candidate also supported the war:

In Hindsight, Kerry Says He'd Still Vote for War

By Jim VandeHei
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, August 10, 2004; Page A01

GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK, Ariz., Aug. 9 -- Responding to President Bush's challenge to clarify his position, Sen. John F. Kerry said Monday that he still would have voted to authorize the war in Iraq even if he had known then that U.S. and allied forces would not find weapons of mass destruction. ... 4Aug9.html

maybe you've never heard this story either, but a lot of folks did hear it when they were educating themselves on the issues prior to voting and feeling a bit like what the fuck am i going to do now. i'd say it's not a mainstream issue, but it was in the washington post, not exactly the underground press.

mark, i wrote a poem and posted it here a few months ago. it was about howard zinn and some other men who've been to war and come home to say there has to be another way. the soldiers don't have to be dead to come home and say this:

" . . . we gotta have peace."