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To Mel & Tommy, I have fucked up my ankle again

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:02 am
by marky
Yes I really did it again. I can't believe it. I fucked up the same ankle I fucked up 10 years ago (and I do mean almost exactly 10 years ago, missing it by a mere two months). And yes just like last time the moon is in Virgo. What a surprise.

So that's why I didn't get your message last night Tommy in time to call you back. I had drunk too much and went to the store and when I decided to run across the road, when I reached the grassy part of the side of the road, my ankle turned 90 degrees and though in my drunken stupor the pain was dulled somewhat, I couldn't believe I had done this to myself again. I have thought in the past that if I ever damaged this ankle again it would probably be permanent damage because I consider myself lucky it healed the first time. Put on top of all this that I am supposed to be studying for my exam, which requires me to use my computer. (I have run out of printer ink which doesn't help, bitch bitch) So I found out the hard way that if I don't keep my ankle elevated for some hours, it starts to swell up and become numb/painful. So I became determined to find a way to get on the internet and still keep the ankle elevated comfortably on the couch. (now technically you can put your foot on the desk while at the computer, but it's not technically above the level of your heart, so the therapeutic effect is not the same) So I moved the couch now so the phone cord would reach and my cat freaked out but at least now I can do what I need to do and still be comfortable.

So that is why I can't be arsed to plug the thing into the phone incase either of you have tried to call me today or will do. Etc. Thank god for my laptop and a long phone cord.

Thankfully, though the whole event has decreased my desire for alcohol. Also it is irritating not to be able to dance to music. That is all for now.

And no I am not going to a bloody doctor, and yes I am icing it now which feels fantastic.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:35 am
by TragicPixie
I'm sorry you're hurt ... lol

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:18 pm
by marky
I feel as if my injured ankle today is like a lover that I can't figure out how to please. I can't tell if I'm supposed to put weight on it yet, or ice it more, or do the exercises where you trace out the alphabet with your toes, or the ones where you stretch your calf muscles, or the heel muscles exercises, or maybe I should only elevate it to hip level from now on and see how it does, or maybe I should keep elevating it very high.

Libra moon indecision without even intuition to help.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:31 am
by Tommy Martyn
I wish my wife had been just a lover I couldn't please, that way we would never have made it down the aisle. Outside of my obviously bitter existence, I am sorry you have hurt your ankle. The rugby player in me wants to offer the usual advice of, "you should put some beer on that." In this instance though, I'm not too sure.

I agree.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:57 am
by Alta Vista [Bot]
I have to agree with Tommy on his point.


Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:52 am
by TragicPixie
dehydrating yourself (even if only temporarily) will probably make the swelling worse.

if it makes you feel any better - thinking of lovers who just can't please - I have not had an orgasm in ... well ... over a year. Damn. But there were only a whole two boys that succeeded in that area so eh.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:53 pm
by megapulse
mark, i'm sorry about your ankle

but pixie, umm, your news is worse than painful. you are getting my daily sympathy award. we need to talk, privately. email me. or ask for my email if you've deleted it. or don't but let me advise you to help yourself. i don't know how else to put that politely. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:06 pm
by TragicPixie
sarah (is there an H? I forget)
well ordinarily I would I just don't ... feel like it. It's rather odd but ... probably due to stress.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:51 am
by megapulse
yep w/an h, but who cares really. is the email i don't share with the hubby

so this problem, i understand the stress. i don't think that's odd. when i'm stressed i'm like who gives a fuck i've got to do a,b,c,d,e,f,g before monday sex / having an orgasm is the last thing on the list of things to do. but for me it's never lasted a year, but everybody's different.

i was worried you were waiting around for the other person in your relationship(s) to give you some special warm fuzzy down low, and i can see you know how to take care of that yourself, good. enough said. i hope you can relax though. :)

i mean there are some guys, i've known one, who don't seem to understand that we, females, do know what we like with our bodies, these guys have to go away, immediately!! but i don't guess it's that problem with your guy. i hope not. good luck for real. back rub? hot bath? smoke? i dunno what you need but i hope you get it.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:02 am
by TragicPixie
ahhahaha nah ... he gets close and then I think of something like "ohmigod !! Who's in the hallway" or etc.
Maybe it will get better once we move into our own place -
but the weird thing is when I stayed with my friends (good friends I've had for at least two years now) I never worried about who walked in or who was in the hall/next room. It's just I really didn't trust anyone I was living with anymore due to the roomie issue and etc. It was like I started feeling guilty for having sex being left living with virgins all around and who knew what roomie was saying about me (okay no, I DO know.)

It's so sad something like that can impact my sex life this much. Gr!

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:56 am
by marky
Gosh, well...I could say a number of things here but then I'm not a sex advice columnist either. And I'm worried it's not my business. I really do think that's sad, though and a state of affairs which should definitely be changed. Dare I ask if your beau is aware of the situation? Is there something you could tell him to do that would help?

I just wanted to mention about my ankle that even though I'm certain that being drunk at the time didn't help the situation, I am seriously considering the fact that I had been doing a lot of sitting on the floor, indian style in front of my laptop prior to this happening (like on a regular basis, anytime I was in front of the computer or even just listening to music, I was sitting on the floor - weird I know but my cat likes it that way). And the part of my foot that gets pressed to the floor in that situation...I think that definitely might have been a factor and weakened it.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:41 pm
by megapulse
i don't see why we can't talk about both these things at the same time

i'm going to guess that no one here is an expert on ankles or sex -- what does it take to be an expert on sex or ankles?

i have sex i have an ankles; therefore, i know what i'm talking about

we can all just speculate and give bad advice :) unless you have cankles then you can speculate about how to heal those. it might also help your sex life. . . dunno, there could be a correlation.

pixie seriously i have a feeling i know exactly what you're talking about. it has been a long long time since i've had to share a house/place with folks i wasn't intimate with, so i'm just thinking back and i can completely understand how that would ruin the mood.

mark, that's a good question, pixie, does boyfriend know?? i think faking it is terrible and unhealthy, this is not to say i haven't done that, but i have gotten a lot more selfish i think the older i've gotten. i feel for the hubby sometimes really i think i would not want to reverse our roles -- too often i can be like look, this is not working. I SAID IT'S NOT WORKING!! OKAY GET UP!

mark, your ankle's still hurting you four days later? you might want to go see a doc.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:50 pm
by megapulse
"It was like I started feeling guilty for having sex being left living with virgins all around and who knew what roomie was saying about me (okay no, I DO know.)

It's so sad something like that can impact my sex life this much."

guilt is just such a nasty emotion.

your decisions, like mark implied, are your business. it's certainly not mine, his, THEIRS. i am glad that you're willing to talk about sex. i think our society makes too much of a taboo subject out of it, to the detriment of both sexes, but you know.

i am sorry these girls are not willing to accept you and support you as you are and that you got stuck living near/with people who hurt you and made you feel guilty.

"Maybe it will get better once we move into our own place" -

i can't see how getting away from these people who've rejected who you are and judged you would do anything but make life a bit better. and that includes getting away from your folks who've placed their expectations on you and your guy and not supported an accepted you as you are. i hope you are able to do that soon. :)


Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:02 am
by megapulse
"WASHINGTON -- Women for the first time have a vaccine to protect themselves against cervical cancer.

The Food and Drug Administration today licensed the vaccine, Gardasil, for use in girls and women ages 9 to 26. The vaccine works by preventing infection by four of the dozens of strains of the human papillomavirus, or HPV, the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease.

By age 50, some 80 percent of women have been infected.

Gardasil protects against the two types of HPV responsible for about 70 percent of cervical cancer cases. The vaccine also blocks infection by two other strains responsible for 90 percent of genital wart cases. The vaccine will be available by the end of the month, with a three-shot series costing $360.

Its manufacturer, Merck & Co. Inc., seeks similar approval elsewhere around the world. Each year, cervical cancer kills an estimated 240,000 women worldwide, including 3,700 in the United States."

Tell your friends. The ones who do talk about sex, thank god for them! and then tell the ones who don't!

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:15 am
by TragicPixie
too often i can be like look, this is not working. I SAID IT'S NOT WORKING!! OKAY GET UP!
Haha that is SO totally me!!

He does know - and he understands that it's not necessarily anything against him but that a lot of things have come up. (And I've never had a guy do it for me before I've been with him for at least three months - hell, usually it takes at least that long to coax me into doing anything.)
We're probably getting close - probably - he even bought me a new toy that does seem to make it happen mechanically just not the earth-shattering orgasm that I want. I just need to relax - and I suppose I won't get any close until the egg sized knots in my shoulders go away!

Yeah and mark I sometimes notice when I sit on the floor a lot my ankles bother me - just that pressure ... I dunno try sitting another way or with a cushion maybe? I have these really great floor cushions that helped me a little.