hmm but last time we were messing around I was SO close I actually got angry with him for stopping at the *wrong* moment. I swear to you the lower half of my body was trembling - and then he stopped to kiss me... GR!
But I realise this is amusing so feel free to laugh!
And actually I can't see anything but harm coming from not being open about sex. Or most things actually.
I'm so glad to be back near my good friends - and have met some nice girls who actually aren't all about judging me or anyone actually. I even admited I was bi to one - and although she seemed a little shocked it's not like anything changed. Although, in the end when I thought about it I realised maybe it's not that I'm particularly attracted to women but that I don't entirely feel safe with men and thus women feel safer and therefore become more attractive. And really - this probably shows in the men I am attracted too since they're all rather feminine socialised men. Maybe I'll pose that theory to her and see what she thinks.
Lie to me, it takes less time to drink you pretty.
Woah woah woah. Too many quotes to comment on here.
i have sex i have an ankles; therefore, i know what i'm talking about
I laughed out loud at this one, this is great stuff, Sarah!
Although my intent is not to make fun of the fact that you pluralized "ankle" which I only noticed just now.
mark, your ankle's still hurting you four days later? you might want to go see a doc.
No no, actually it's going fine. I got my medical advice from the internet instead and it's going just fine. My ankle is doing better now than I'm even able to let myself believe. I'm taking it easy, but I am regularly walking now without crutches or cane! I can even do the letters "O" "P" and "Q" with my toes without it hurting now. That is an amazing improvement. All this happened while sober, by the way.
guilt is just such a nasty emotion.
It is, definitely, but the reality is that on the last New Order album, last year there was a song called "Guilt Is A Useless Emotion" but it sucks, though. It's not that good compared to the rest of the album as a whole.
I am crazy about the Runaways again. Yes, all over again, the teenage girls from L.A. baby...I have got it bad again. I've read half of Cherie Currie's book now and have seen the documentary DVD made about them in 2004 called "Edgeplay" and I am in love with the Runaways once again. This is a big relief to me because the last time I was into them I knew I'd given them up too soon. It all happened really fast and I got so much of their stuff that I just couldn't handle more than one weekend of completely OD'ing on their music. But now I'm back into them. That makes me happy.
Okay...I'm babbling now.
Yeah and mark I sometimes notice when I sit on the floor a lot my ankles bother me - just that pressure ... I dunno try sitting another way or with a cushion maybe? I have these really great floor cushions that helped me a little.
Well you know the weird thing is my ankles never bothered me the whole time, it was my legs that bothered me sometimes, my upper legs, above my knees. Yeah I knew instinctively that I was doing something bad for my body by sitting like that for so long, but I felt like I couldn't do anything about it. I am so glad I am out of that rut now. But hey...don't Buddhists sit that way a long time? Or do they? The singer of Bow Wow Wow is a Buddhist.
I would like to hear the entirety of Joan Jett's first album. I've not yet had the chance.
hmmm in this one book on yoga (you know - out of the dozen I barrowed from friends being as I don't have a job and all I'll get a lot of reading done ...) saying how actually the numbness or tingling is because of the pressure and you're cutting off circulation and should move when you notice that.
Look up some sitting yoga postures - that might help
Lie to me, it takes less time to drink you pretty.
I just felt two key bones crack against each other in my ankle when I was standing in the kitchen and it felt sooo good. Although I am beginning to wonder if I'm wearing my "wrap" a bit too tight around it now. I like having it off if I'm sitting or lying down, but I don't like to walk around without it. It's hard for me to understand why it seems so completely healed, and yet it really isn't. There's no swelling anymore, and the bruising is now confined to the outer rim of my foot, but yeah, it's still not at 100% yet, even though I walk on it.
I told my friend in Scotland who I'm jealous of for having a chance to see Scritti Politti live soon, I told him "well at least I get to see the Buzzcocks at the end of July, not bad for a yank in 2006 eh?"