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'Drunk Dialing'

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:03 am
by marky
I got the urge tonight to drunk dial at approximately 12:30 am my time which means roughly 3 am for most folks here. I racked my brains in desperation, wasn't there anyone I could drunk dial at this hour without making them mad at me? Well, yes there was. Pixie.

Who was working at "the desk" on very, very very little sleep. And a long interesting conversation was had while I drank Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout (I know, I know, Marky isn't drinking wine for once shocker)

Highlights from Pixie's pandora's box of wisdom:

"You can live and be fat on coffee and diet pills."

(what a wonderful country we live in in the U.S. eh?)

"Raving related activities every night" (the emphasis here on 'raving related activities' which is a whole new trendy euphemism that paxacidus should probably latch onto)

"My bank and I are on the honor system." (good heavens I won't even comment on this one)

It was fun Pixie, please get some good sleep this morning after your shift if you can.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:00 am
by TragicPixie
hehe Marky perhaps you should be my personal accountant - if I ever make any money that is, I do'nt really think my currant finances warrant anything more than the honor system.

I did sleep - very well (read like the dead) until my roommate came in with her mother and turned on the lights and etc. etc.
Can't wait 'til she's moved out! I sincerely hope no one else tries to move in. My couple is looking forward to coming to visit me :) and I'd love to see them. They've not met J. (Who is, btw, supposed to be bringing me food as I only got up about two hours ago but then, that was decided an hour ago and he's still not here. c'est la vive.)

Oh - and J and I looked at rings the other day - I don't know if I told you that. We were completely sober. He likes the traditional ring - I like the art deco style blue topaz ones in white gold with diamonds ... he thinks it looks Paris Hilton-y... I agreed but I still like it.
I also picked out a pink sapphire ring. We shall see what happens.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:00 pm
by martino
marky, why not call me. if you are on seattle time i should be nine hours ahead of you; half an hour after midnite is thus convenient 9:30 am for me. +4969 498110

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:37 pm
by marky
Oh that's great to know! I actually wrote down your phone number a long time ago, still have it. I bet it costs a fortune and my calling card probably won't cover it, but maybe if we time ourselves we'll be okay. Or if you happen to be loaded with cash you can call me back after awhile. I'm glad to learn the exact amount of hours difference, too. I would have thought it was more than 9 hours, actually because I know the UK is 8, but I suppose Germany probably isn't as far from the UK as I would tend to assume.

Listening to Style Council at the moment and they just started one of those really European sounds...fuck I don't even know what instrument that is, but if you heard it you'd know what I mean. It's not an accordion is it? Hell, maybe it is. Now he's singing in French...okay I'll shut up now.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:39 pm
by marky
Also Martino that picture of your dog you posted awhile back made me think you have a really nice apartment, furniture etc.