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I'll keep my passport for now
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:50 am
by Tommy Martyn
I flip flop on citizenship all the time. I guess I'm yin to the yang of Sloth. I love the USA with all of my heart. I will never go "home." Yet, when dear old loony UK can see the sense in doing the right thing about something as trivial as this, (Trivial in the sense that it costs nothing, hurts nobody etc. Obviously it is massive for those involved.) I want to get on the next plane home.
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:31 am
by marky
Tommy -
I got your messages tonight. And I feel bad in that I've just got so much to catch you up on, catch up Paxacidus on in general that I feel I can't keep up with it right now. I can type pretty fast but not as fast as I need to tonight.
Let me just say this one thing and reduce it down as you do Tommy to "this is what you need to know" =
my exams are next week. Now you understand. I have been studying very hard, this is the last push, etc.
And then one of my exams got put back to later this week so I found I could drink after all and get away with it. I've discovered the true joy of good French wine and it's almost as godly as Kate Bush. I fell in love with Chateau de Campuget, Cuvee Prestige 2001 and I found a wine shop just down the road that was kind enough to special order 6 bottles for me since I couldn't get it anymore at the place I got it at to begin with. I knew I could order it online from New York but the postage alone would have cost me a whole CD! So I was very happy to get it locally. Now I know you said the important thing is to get it at an affordable price but this expense of mine was somewhere midway between expensive and not
too expensive, so I really don't feel I got shafted. And I've had two bottles already the last two nights and I mean it is so amazing that I found myself only drinking two glasses in three hours last night! THAT IS SOME GOOD SHIT IF I ONLY DRINK 2 FUCKING GLASSES IN 3 HOURS. Even tonight I found I could only sip it very slowly. It's like chocolate cake, so rich.
HEY MCC IF YOU EVER EVER EVER SEE VINYL BY FATS COMET YOU MUST BUY IT ESPECIALLY IF IT IS A FRENCH 12" IT WAS WORTH THE $!* I paid for it - I was so excited when I saw it cause I remembered that name man it is like FUNKY ASS DANCE MUSIC TOO GOOD FOR IT'S TIME (which was like 1986 or something) I MEAN SHAKE YO ASS AT 3 AM MUSIC! GOD I wonder if they ever did a Fats Comet know this is On-U Sound records (London if I recall) - do you know that label, like Tackhead, probably Mark Stewart & Mafia is likely on that label too. Anyway...Fats Comet is the name of it, and I want more of this shit.
I also found the legendary Alvin & The Chipmunks "Chipmunk Punk" album!!!
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:43 am
by marky
Also I got this really really really really cheesy 80's UK compilation magazine/LP called - Oh what was it "Debut" or something? It's got fucking Spandau Ballet on it! HOW REVOLTING!!! BUT I COULDN'T RESIST THE CHEESE THE PURE CHEESE OF THIS STUPID UK TEEN MAGAZINE THING
it's got Lloyd Cole on the record and a bunch of bands no one remembers at all even me. And even one by an American band called Parachute Club that I've been DYING to hear again for quite some time. And actually the magazine itself is kindof cool...there's some stuff in there about better bands than are on the record. Top one. Sorted. Good god, do people still talk like that over there? Surely my slang is outdated.
But also remember Kate Bush...hey I wanted to say one more thing about her and then I need to go to sleep so I can get awake in time for my exam tomorrow. If you get the issue of Mojo that has her interview in it and you hang that picture on your wall, that big recent picture of her at the beginning where she's got this coat on with large round buttons, right...if you put that on your wall, and then turn off the light and light a candle, it looks like she's fucking wearing one of those priest collars, you know the white square on the neck thing it is TWIGHLIGHT ZONE! KATE BUSH IS THE HIGH PRIESTESS OF...what?
I've just got to make it through exams somehow.
I've gone crazy over French things I even had a dream about Bryan Ferry last night and you know I love that song he sings with Roxy Music "A Song For Europe" where it gets all melodramatic at the end and he sings in French because it's like the feelings have moved him to the point that he can't even sing in English anymore, it's so beautifully over the top but somehow it works, I love it.
And also when French women sing like Isabelle Antena - I listened to her last night, kindof like early Everything But The Girl, very French cafe...damnit what what the name of that Isabelle Antena album? Ah yes, Camino Del Sol, that's it. Delicious stuff. I think it's like 1983 or something. Maybe '82.
Also I have been listening to the Cars album "Panorama" which I love and think is much darker and spookier than their other albums.
Kate Bush is liable to be a deity, but we know she's really just a normal woman with a son of about 7 years. REMEMBER SHE IS NOT GOD NOT GOD NOT GOD DO NOT GET CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:46 am
by marky
Also Tommy, one reason why I didn't hear your calls at all was because the internet has been fucking up a lot in one room of my house so I have had to rely on a dial up connection of late which means I wouldn't hear the phone.
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:55 am
by marky
Can you believe this hilarious "Debut" LP/magazine had the gall to put the fucking DAMNED next to fucking KENNY G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:59 am
by marky
You should see the fashion section man, these guys look like they're fucking royals gonna ride horses major eighties colored pictures for fuck's sake! Oh god I need to quit and get to bed for my own sanity here.
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 8:06 am
by marky
Well fuck me, the Parachute Club weren't from the U.S. they were Canadian.
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:40 pm
by martino
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 12:31 am
by marky
Hey, you know how Dylan said 'everybody must get stoned' - well I say everyone must play the Pogues. Your choice of "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" or "The Body of An American". Or if you insist on another Pogues song, let me know.
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:55 am
by TragicPixie
You know, when I was 6 or so, I had a huge crush on Alvin ...
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:53 pm
by marky
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:00 pm
by mccutcheon
When I was 6 I had a crush on TP.
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:02 pm
by TragicPixie
*pokes MC with a pen*
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:13 pm
by mccutcheon
MC pokes TP back.
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:30 pm
by marky
You had a crush on toilet paper?