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give me back the bakers, please!

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:43 am
by sara
So, has anyone read anything about about D. James Kennedy? I don't know whether to laugh or throw up. Really.

I'm reading an article right now. It's unbelievable! And this guy is from the South (I'd never heard of him until today) and I live in the South, so I should be beyond being shocked, but holy moses, he's a bastard if I've ever heard of one.

"The godfather of the Dominionists is D. James Kennedy, the most influential evangelical you've never heard of . . . Kennedy built Coral Ridge Ministries into a 37 million a year empire, with a TV and radio audience of 3 million, by preaching that it was time to save America -- not soul by soul but election by election. (he helped found the moral majority in 1979) . . .

Two guesses why this guy grosses me out:

"While the Dominionists rely on grass-roots activists to fight their battles, they are backed by some of America's richest entrepreneurs. Amway founder Rich DeVos, a Kennedy ally who's the leading Republican contender for governor of Michigan, has tossed more than 5 million into the collection plate. Jean Case, wife of former AOL chief Steve Case -- whose fortune was made largely on sex-chat rooms has donated 8 million. And Tom Monaghan, founder of Domino's Pizza is a major source of cash for Focus on Family a megaministry working with Kennedy to ELIMINATE ALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS."
