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George & Dragon

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:50 am
by marky
A wonderful night was had by me with Mr. & Mrs. Slothers this evening at the pub.

Even talked to McC on the phone although it was difficult because it was hard to hear anyone on a cell phone in there. We managed to effectively exchange only a few sentences with some effort, but it was a welcome and wonderful surprise to hear him anyway! Sloth has given me an interesting window on his political/socio-philosophical beliefs I was not privy to heretofore, and Linda had much to say on a variety of interesting topics herself. A lovely night all around was had.

I want to take this moment to wish all Paxaciders a lovely holiday season. To Mav, I am sorry to know we shall not meet until after the new year, I just have this feeling with the way things are going. But we must find a way to meet after it.

Tommy, I hear rumours you are coming here for New Year's. And Brett's cabin. And I'm just really confused about what is supposed to happen or when or if it will, but happy holiday season to both of you, even if we don't make it far enough to meet up for whatever reason.

This is for McC, and McC only: The musical choices made in that pub were dizzyingly great, let me tell you. We had classic Coldplay, classic Oasis "CHAMPAGNE SUPERNOVA" McC - I thought of you! They played Wonderwall, too. And some song by the Beatles I hadn't heard in 50 million years but I couldn't tell you what it was now. And then they played another favorite of mine by Curtis Mayfield - "Superfly" followed by a few from Dave Matthews that I remembered very fondly and probably would not have played on my own in another 20 years! OH also, they played this song that totally ripped off Iggy Pop's Lust For Life, what a shame. But still, it was one hell of a nice combination of music, there. Sloth said it was probably just the jukebox, but hey, a jukebox or no, it seems improbable I would have liked a set of music that much that I didn't pick.

Martino says there's something more to life than music! Can you believe that? The heathen! Something MORE to life than music? Absurd! Quite a novel concept in my book. The only thing I can think of that is more is having good friends. But other than that, no. Nothing else exists but music. Marky has proved it several times in his lab at night when thunder and lightning strike up in the sky and he's doing chemical experiments on music in his sleep and playing ping pong with Albert Einstein and losing.

Adios amigos! I play a cello just for you. Very, very badly.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:15 am
by marky
Because I can't play cello.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 9:41 am
by martino
music permeates everything we feel and do, just like love and sex -- so in a way i agree with you, marky (and in another way of course, i don't...) otherwise, i agree with the truism that if you can't eat it, don't fuck it. but i really, really dislike it when people send me holiday postcards from the tropics that say "the weather is here, wish you were beautiful!"

what am i trying to say? what am i trying to say? ah yes: i'll be thinking of all you beautiful people and wish you the very best!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:07 pm
by Sloth
Good drinks and good friends and good music. Ah yes its Christmas every day at the George and Dragon pub. And Julia made a cameo appearance looking lovelier than ever.

And the Sonics beat Denver. Badly.

Almost time to get out the Christmas bong...

Merry Christmas

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:33 pm
by Maverick
Holiday cheer in all it's forms to all the Paxacidus Crew! I hope you all have friends, family, music, love, sex, and all the chemical alteration you crave all around you and over you.

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:29 am
by marky
Martino one day we shall meet, I'm sure. We will have fun and be happy together. Hopefully in SUNSHINE. It must be in the happiness of sunshine that we meet! Let's plan on it.

Mav, that's a mighty nice holiday sentiment. Cheers.

Sloth, I got a bottle of that Rumple Minze stuff today. Just a small one, only ten bucks, a little goes a long way, but it's real nice. And I think it's kindof interesting it comes from Canada. I'm so used to buying alcohol from Russia, U.K., Europe...

McC, I got your package today. I AM SO EXCITED TO HEAR IT!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 6:11 am
by TragicPixie
happy christmas and whatnot...

Tommy in town

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 8:18 pm
by Tommy Martyn
Greetings. I'll be in seatttle tommorrow. I have some real business to attend to and a host of social obligations. It may be that we can all hook up. Would the various paxters like to get know some of my low life chums? I have a vision of getting pissed in the blue moon one afternoon. I will have my mobile with me.

513 -255 -1225.

I do have a friend who has been very ill and I do have to spend some time with her and her kids. That is why I have had to leave all arangements open.

One good thing about this board is I know you don't need an appearance by me as an excuse to get pissed.

New Years greetings to all.

AND Marky, who'd yer think it was taht stuck that stuff up about Manchester Bands. I'm one of only twelve people left on the planet who have seen the Frantic Elevators.

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 11:59 pm
by marky
Ha ha! Sounds good, Tommy. I'll be completely free from Thurs. night through the weekend, so maybe let us know when is good for you?

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 1:29 am
by Myke115
sounds like the seattle crowd is gonna have a good time on New Year's eve. I shoulda went on up to NYC but I just couldn't get it together. Will likely now wait till March or April and maybe get in some tennis.

Tommy ... wonderful of you to post a cell number. Now I have another Pax Acidusian (is that a word?) to sober dial unexpectedly. Speaking of sober speaking to, when I chatted with Matt briefly today while he was on his way to the airport, I asked him to let me speak to is mom. I was surprised when he put her on. Moma Pape was most nice. She said "you do have a quite an accent."

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 4:22 pm
by mccutcheon
everyone should give Tommy a call! And hope he doesn't answer.