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Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 6:41 pm
by TragicPixie
yup hell in a handbasket is a cute little visual - which is probably why I like it...
*dances around*

do you suppose the handbasket has sweet little flowers on it?

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:21 pm
by Brett
Today our Canadian market channel touted Research in Motion, this caused the the stock to move up quickly on the TSX while it stayed unchanged on Nasdaq. When this happens it's called an ARB. When ARB's like this happen I can now go buy myself a 67 Mustang Fastback. Capitalism rocks!

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:30 pm
by Tommy Martyn
A British prime minister (I can't remember if it was Heath or Wilson) called the making of obscene money in the city, "The unacceptable face of capitalism."

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:32 pm
by Brett
I'll probably lose it all in the next half hour and have to move to Cincy. Imagine the fun we'll have.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:59 pm
by sara
Brett, I agree that sometimes Capitalism Rocks -- like when it's used to raise the awareness of youth in this country about political issues and get them interested in voting -- which it did this year and was very successful at -- if what I've read about the youth vote this year is true.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 1:06 am
by martino
brett. don't buy the mustang. buy my '64 volvo p1800. i need the cash. i'll make a special price for any paxacidian friend.

and don't move to cincinnati, i don't even know how to spell that place.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:14 am
by Sloth
YEs Im as sober as a judge

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:15 am
by Sloth
A scottish judge that is

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:00 pm
by Tommy Martyn
Which reminds baby sister is with child at the moment and the man responsible is fucking Scottish. Oh the shame. So far my mum has Irish, American and English grandchildren. I've got another brother who hasn't settled down yet so we're are not ruling out Wales at the moment.

(Note to americans: when you declare yourself as an hyphenated american, take care to have been born in that country and have at least one full blood parent from there. ie if your great grandad on one side, got off the boat from Dublin sometime in the 1890's no matter how romantic you may feel on St Patrick's day, you're not Irish.)

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:27 pm
by Sloth
ouch my head

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:16 am
by sara
the hubby and I semi-honeymooned in Wales, Criccieth. It was one of the best trips I've ever taken. Just beautiful. I don't remember what they call the rails that go that far north, but it was some of the most enchanting and beautiful scenery I've ever seen. And the people that we met there were so nice to us -- it was an amazing trip. He even got tatooed in a neighboring town

Anyone ever read this book?
The Divine Right of Capital: Dethroning the Corporate Aristocracy
by Marjorie Kelly
Kelly considers how corporations strive to make money for their shareholders regardless of the costs to society.

Hell in handbaskets

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:13 am
by marky
Well I supported going into Afghanistan, too. It made sense at the time. These were early days. But I don't think it's been handled very well since Iraq. At least that's the impression I get.

But I don't think it's all as cut and dried as Tommy wants to make it out to be. I do believe there are plenty of guys who may have just kowtowed to the Taliban to try to feed their families or out of fear for their own survival and may not have even agreed with them. It's very difficult to just magically know in every instance who is guilty and who isn't. The military have their work cut out for them, to be sure.

Also I did want to address this nagging suspicion/feeling that perhaps Martino would be upset or offended at my last post on this subject. To explain I would like to use the old cliche of the shit hitting the fan. When you are an outside observer, and you see on your right the fan, and you see on your left the shit flying in mid air and you know what is going to happen, but it's all happening in excruciatingly slow motion, you can only pray for the shit to finally hit the damn fan. You know?

Also I do feel the cliche "going to hell in a handbasket" is definitely overripe for some deep analysis. First of all, it must be asked "what the hell is a 'handbasket'?"

Martino I hate to have to let you know that this phrase pervades our culture more than either you or I might like. Just one of those crazy language things that doesn't make a single lick of sense. Like the word "gobbledygook". Who could imagine that someone would go to such trouble to come up with a fancy word for "nonsense"?

Strangely Jimi Hendrix is playing right now. It wasn't me that put him on, but I find I'm enjoying it nonetheless. Odd. Normally I don't get a whole lot out of his music.

Beer vs. Toilet Paper.

No contest. Although it is true when I was in England, I didn't have the money for toilet paper. It would have helped me if someone had explained beforehand that the north is poor poor poor.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:22 am
by marky
Also, Sloth, don't say you hate blogs. I've actually started one. I haven't written many entries, it's just a place to put my music thoughts from time to time, without needlessly boring paxaciders in the process. Also I do know of a few blogs that are actually pretty cool sometimes, although I admit I don't read them on a regular basis.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:16 am
by sara
hey, I like gobbledygook that is a fun word to say -- gobbledy,gobbledy,gook.

Anyway -- it's cool that you're blogging -- if it makes you happy

so I'm tooling around the internet seeing what I can find, and I saw this site, thought it might interest some folks here as Bob Dylan and Sonia Sanchez are on the wish list -- don't know, but

now I'm going to go look for more knowledge to drop, and bring it back because I've had my two beers for the evening (one in honor of Mark and one just because I like beer), watched Uncle Buck, laughed hard enough to pee my pants, and am not a bit tired.

Also because I don't blog, and I thought this was just so cool the other day -- one of the kids, all snaggledy toothed and talking about bands I've never even heard of (he's seen sonic youth -- yes, he has!!) dropped a little knowledge on me -- he said, "People think I'm a liberal," which sort of made me chuckle, because I'm old, well aging, and condescending and thinking he's years away from voting what the hell does he know, which tends to happen I think, so I chuckle, and he says, grinning this fantastic kid grin, "I'm an anarchist. And people really don't get what I mean by that." And I say, "I bet I do." And he says, "I mean people should just have the common sense to get along, without governments." And I didn't say anything, but I thought -- here we go! Here we go!

to marky:

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:31 am
by martino
...i am not easy to offend. really. and to be quite honest, i didn't even remember your last post.

..."when the shit hits the fan" is good; but as an old PE follower i have to tell you: chuck d's radio program "when the shit hits the fans" was better. you know about the etymology of "gook"? if not, and you are not easily offended, ask me.

(the etymological story sounds racist however, so somebody else here might be offended by it, but what am i gonna do? in a way, anyway, i think PA is about not being easily offended...)