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Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 11:32 pm
by Sloth
I bet Cat Stevens could use the BB of BB without a problem.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 3:36 am
by marky
Although Tommy is certainly in his brash form today (and this time quite hilariously so - Spongebob Squarepants your guru!) I think he's pretty much got it right, here. At the very least I think this is one of those times where, although we might like to play that we are in a position to judge, we really aren't. We don't know the evidence. How do we know they didn't actually find something on him? And liking the guy's music is no excuse to defend him.

McC acting as the Login Police Officer. Classic.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:21 am
by Sloth
I admit its easy to hate Cat Stevens for his shit music and his shit fundamentalist sexist beard and his shit religion.

Throw him off the fuckin' plane and be done with it.

Leapin and hoppin' on a moonshadow



Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:23 am
by Sloth

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:27 am
by Marcelline

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:31 am
by bfj
Great sloth, now I won't be able to sleep, or eat for a week.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 9:08 am
by marky
Wow, that is one scary pic. Reminds me of one of those dogs with droopy skin, only much worse.

I loved your assertion along the lines of (sorry, I realize I'm not quoting you exactly) "getting banned from the U.S.: must be doing something right". I laughed out loud in the computer lab of my new school when I read that. Yeah, being banned from the U.S. right now - HA! What an insult, right?

This guy on the bus was getting really mad tonight, bitching about the state of this country and such. At first I thought he was gonna get in a serious fight with this guy he was talking to - not because they were disagreeing necessarily but just because it seemed like he wanted a fight. Luckily it just ended up being bitching, instead. But it kindof gave me a bird's eye view of my own mood of late. I realized I'm not the only one that has been on edge lately and snapped at people in situations where I should probably have been able to keep my cool.

Well at least the debates are coming very soon. Next week, right? When do I get to call Kerry a cunt, btw, for playing right into Bush's hand and being exactly what Bush says he is: a flip flopper. How disheartening it is to read an op-ed piece by a Bushie about Kerry and to get to the end of it and realize I couldn't actually disagree with a word that bastard said? That if a hardcore Republican asked me to defend Kerry I'd probably have to leave the room in silence? Aarrgh. None of it matters. Bush will win.

Then again, I did end up getting this education grant at the very very very last umpteenth hour possible and I really didn't think it was going to happen, so...sigh. I guess miracles can occur. If Kerry wins then the Seattle crew have to get together and get pissed until daylight, okay? And if Bush wins the Seattle crew have to get together and get pissed until daylight, also. They can take away all our constitutional rights but they can't take away our booze, damnit. Even communists get that. Even Winston in 1984 had that!

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 9:23 am
by marky
Well, until he was thrown in jail and tortured, that is. But I'm in a jokey mood right now so I'll ignore that for the moment. I probably should have put all this under pub talk.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 8:16 pm
by Tommy Martyn
Let us get one thing straight, these terrorist list things are bullshit. Let us assume for one moment that
a suspect comes through under his own name and gets on a flight. There are a number of options open to the security forces. For instance they could annonce an engine malfunction on the flight and then swap the plane. Double check the suspects luggage for dangerous items and then hide a GPS device in it. Post extra agents to the plane and then follow him after he gets off the plane noting his contacts,safe houses etc. Now I am sure that this is the the MO for real terrorist suspects. The likes of Cat Fucker Stevens are thrown up in the national press as either a diversion or as some sort of proof that the expensive airport security charade is actually doing something.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 8:40 pm
by Maverick
Dammit Tommy, now you've given it all away.