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Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 10:58 pm
by Maverick
didn't you know that in New Jersey gay people eat wedding guests?

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 3:45 am
by marky
I dunno, Martino. Maybe Pax Acidus News should just come clean and call itself "current events". Then people would be at least someways off the hook as far as starting new threads when they're warranted.

Seriously though there's a moral here: If you are a public figure of any kind, and you have a gay affair, or even a heterosexual one, please don't give your lover a cushy well paid job they aren't qualified for. It'll make you [and in this case the entire gay community] look really bad and stupid when you are forced to step down. Thanx.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 5:02 pm
by useR namE
Not to mention that the guests at your resignation speech may attempt to eat members of the press...

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 3:18 pm
by bfj
I saw a good onion headline that read:

"Gay man painfully admits to being govenor of New Jersey"

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:56 pm
by marky
Two gay men, leather black clad, one brandishing a whip:

"Go ahead, say it! Say it again ya big baby! Say you're the governor of New Jersey now!!"

<whip cracks>

"Aagh! Okay, okay! I'm the governor of New Jersey! Ouch!"

Hey, just being a politician is humiliation enough, these days.