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The Penalty for Cowardnice can be death?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 5:35 am
by bfj
Interesting article, especially when I found out that the crime of "cowardnice" can be punishable by death.
also sad how badly out soldiers are drugged and cheated. I mean the Anthrax vaccine crippled and even killed some of our pilots. And why does a pilot need an anthrax vaccine anyway? ... index.html

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 5:41 am
by bfj
did you know that 38 U.S. troops have been killed since the iraqi handover on June 28th! that's like what 2 and 1/2 weeks. I mean my monitor died and I was banned from internet at work but is this shit even being reported anymore?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 6:13 am
by marky
Regarding numbers of U.S. troops killed: I find it strange that the number of U.S. troops killed (total, in this war) is even paid attention to after I read that the SAME number of Iraqi civilians was killed in ONE Iraqi city since this war began. ONE city. Therefore, a LOT more Iraqi civilians have been killed than U.S. troops. Are the U.S. troops more important lives to be counted? I think not. FUCK AMERICAN ARROGANCE AND STUPIDITY.

THANK YOU for your time.

Note: This is not meant to be a rebuke of Burnt Face Jake.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 7:24 am
by martino
the cowardice charge and subsequent death penalty is brought out when a campaign turns into a quagmire, and morale cannot be upheld with humane means.

the best description of this situation i know of can be found in kubrick's "paths of glory".

in response to marky -- i agree, and i find it remarkable that hardly anybody talks about how the war has caused about ten times as many civilian deaths as 9-11 did.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 12:54 pm
by bfj
I don't find it remarkable. This is America and the attitude is "I don't give a fuck, fuck em'." Anything brown that dies is okay is america's eyes.
but ofcourse, when "our boys die." it's a fucking tragedy (see Pat Tillman stuff)

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 5:20 pm
by marky
But it's such a ridiculously hypocritical thing, this "when our boys die" mess. I mean, have you checked out how veterans are actually treated AFTER wars? Govt benefits suck, etc. etc. it's all just lip service trash. Something to shed a "patriotic" tear about until people change the channel to something else.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:46 pm
by Eman Resu
14% of Army and 28% of Marines claim to have killed at least 1 civilian NON-COMBATANT while on tour in Iraq and/or Afghanistan.
There are about 150,000 soldiers in Iraq now.
Do the math.