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I Don't Think I Can Do It

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:21 pm
by Sloth
I don't just have it in me.

Don't get me wrong, I hate Bush.

I think he's a total fucking evil twat moron.

Worse for America than Saddam Hussein was for Iraq.

But what gets me most about voting for Kerry is seeing him in office.

Seeing himself as a hero.

Seeing himself as a fucking savior.

Without a plan.

Except to wing it.

When asked what he will do about Iraq.

He says we shouldn't leave. That we can't leave.

Let me make this clear.

We should leave and we must leave immediately.

These people deserve an apology and war reparations.

And a promise not to interfere in their affairs without just cause.

I want to vote for Kerry. But I have never voted for a Democrat in the White House before . And if I never voted for Clinton I sure as hell don't see how I can vote for Kerry. Sure, he is as ugly as the work day is long... and he mangaed to get a hot wife. That must mean he has a nice personality. But seriously, he was against Vietnam and he thinks we should send MORE TROOPS TO IRAQ?

I dislike how the Republicans brand him as a flip-flopper. Changing your opinion is a good thing. Its called flexability. It shows that you are thinking and weighing both sides of the story. When you make up your mind and never think about something again it called BEING PIGHEADED.

I hope for our sake Kerry is playing his ace, trying to sound more conservative than he really is... to get the conservative Democrats to buy in. But I hate using my vote AGAINST someone instead of FOR someone. What about Ralph Nader or any Libertarian candidate? Do they deserve another vote?



But I'm not going to enjoy it.

And I'll probably have to right down the pub afterwards. I'll be the one wishing I wasn't American.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:28 pm
by bfj
I think you have to vote for Kerry in Washington, should be pretty close there. I had no problems voting for Nader when I lived in Cali cause no way Bush was going to come close in that state. In Wisconsin now I'll have to vote for Kerry. But I do like John Edwards as a vice president. I mean the real ticket is Kerry / Cheney bush is as bumbling as the day is long...

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:17 am
by TragicPixie
I don't particularly like Kerry - but he's not Bush and I'm assuming for now that's good enough for now.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 4:23 am
by marky
Sloth, it sure is a beautiful rant, there, but my advice is to remember Edwards and the fact that Bush will not win in '04.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 4:25 am
by marky

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 4:27 am
by marky
Repeat it as a mantra in your sleep.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 9:16 am
by jack chieffdon
yes. edwards... i voted for him in the primary, some say he is more moderate than kerry which is good because they cancel eachother out, in some regards. all in all, kerry-edwards seems like a good ticket.

and in the great state of wisconsin, we have russ feingold trying to reclaim his seat as a senator...his opponent is russ darrow, who is a used car salesman. any of you that have grown up in wisconsin, i assume you've seen the commercials of mr darrow (fuck off darrow). also, russ likes to leave voice recordings on your answering machine. fuck off rusty.

i dont recommend bastille days for anybody.

jake and i are in the country side of sconnie presently, taking in the stars, perhaps a brewer game tomm. life is good.

60 minutes

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:19 am
by mccutcheon
I just watched 60 minutes with Kerry and Edwards and Edwards is such a smooth southern politician and he is a great talker and Kerry is like cardboard. shit too bad we didn't get Edwards. but maybe we will, Edwards and H Clinton and I bet we would get health care like Sweden. my teeth could use it.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 3:17 am
by Sloth
I got over it.

This is the recipe.

One Swede.
One shaker.
Bacardi white rum.
Midori melon liqueur.
Pineapple juice.
Ice cold Sprite.
Ice cubes.

Have the Swede put the rum, Midori, pineapple juice, and ice in the shaker. Have Swede shake the shaker like a Polaroid picture. Put in a large highball glass and top with ice cold Sprite. Repeat as necessary.

Go Edwards!

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 5:06 am
by marky
Sloth, you have filled me with The Joy, man. Keep rockin'.

This reminds me of some amazing times I had in 1996. Cheers!

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 5:10 am
by marky
I can post drunk here, or somewhere else. I prefer here.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:58 pm
by guest