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Paxacidus Fahrenheit 9/11 Movie Night?

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 8:34 pm
by marky
I'd like to go see Fahrenheit 9/11 (that's right, I actually manage to unglue my eyes from the computer screen sometimes...not often, though!). Anyone in Seattle up for it this weekend?

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 2:40 pm
by Sloth
I saw it at DisneyWorld's Paradise Island (of all places) last night because that is the closest hotel to where I am staying right now while I do the American Library Convention thing.

The movie is awesome and I definitely recommend seeing it. It will "shock and awe" anyone who is a mild Bush supporter.

It is one of the scariest movies ever made... putting those teenage horror flicks to shame. You can't help thinking something is wrong when you see Rumsfield shaking Saddam Hussein's hand, when you see all the photos of the Bush's and Saudi royal family and then the public execution in Saudi Arabia.

There are too many scenes like this to mention... soldiers with no legs, poor Iraqi families who have been bombed for no reason and lost family members, children with their hands blown off, soldiers cursing Rumsfeld, 1,000 stupid Bush comments nd more.

While cinematically not as good or powerful as Bowling for Columbine, this one is really meant to help defeat Bush. In fact the opening 10 minutes of the film concentrates on stating how he stole the first election.

I don't want to ruin it... so go see it!

Be prepared to cry and be very angry. Afterwards I was so shaken I went into the ladies room by mistake.

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 2:42 pm
by bfj
Saw the movie last night in Milwaukee. Sold out show at the oriental, lots of people signing up for activist organizations. It looks like the film's greatest value will be in firing people up to work against Bush. I'm pretty confident Bush will not "win" re-election. The real question is will there be any legitimate change in the United States with Kerry in office? Healthcare for all? A moral foreign policy? Help for the poor? I wonder...


Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 4:20 pm
by mccutcheon
Yeah Kerry isn't the answer we just have to wait until the next Clinton is elected. Until then though...Anybody But Bush.

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 8:10 am
by TragicPixie
I can't help thinking that it could have been better, but I can't just put my finger on how. However, the people I went with were throughly disturbed by the graphic images of the vitcims of war... being a former nursing student that wasn't what got me.
Nothing new was in it... just sad.
*le sigh*

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 2:24 pm
by Sloth
Bush is responsible for all those legless people and kids who will never play catch.

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 4:15 pm
by bfj
I enjoyed the movie, but it really wasn't targeted to me. You see I've been reading and hearing about the Bush / Saudi / Carlisle / Taliban links for a while. Moore just kind of brushed out the larger strokes to all that. It is rather complicated. But he is targeted the unconverted in this film. Hopefully the people who support the war will see the film. Though the reviews are written to keep them away from it. I've seen a lot of reviews calling moore a "conpiracy theorist" and "liar." "Propaganda" another "Rush Limbaugh." But the really important things that should be taken away from this are not lies or slick editing. It is soldiers being blown up on patrol. soldiers trying to deal with what they have done. Devastated Iraqis, Piles of dead. This is no stretch of the truth. The point is "what the hell are we doing there?" $$$$$$

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 3:31 pm
by Sloth
Michael Moore the Limbaugh of the left?

Maybe. But who cares. As Jake pointed out you can't argue that piles of dead people are a good thing. And you can't argue that invading Iraq was a wise decision based on what has transpired since.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:58 pm
by marky
Well, after reading the first two responses to my post here and realizing that last night after work would have been a good time to try to catch the movie, I swatted the idea from me like a fly. Do I really need anything else to rile me up and make me angry and upset than what I already know about the whole Bush horror? "Nah, I'll pass", I thought.

But I drove around some more and had a change of heart. "No, I've committed myself to trying to get out of the house more often, trying to do OTHER things besides tirelessly research music in front of the computer every waking hour of my spare time and even losing sleep over it. I have to do something DIFFERENT now and then." So I made a decision to go. Only to find out they were sold out for that showing, and I wasn't about to come back in two hours, so that was that. I'll see it eventually, but I want everyone to know that I did at least try.

I've spent countless hours in front of the computer since, and have discovered a new band (that's right, a NEW band!) called Out Hud to show for it, which I'll probably briefly describe in the sex drugs and rock and roll topic area eventually.

Right now I have to walk to the stupid library to return the DVD's I rented one severely depressed day when my internet connection was down. By the time I got back with the DVD's that day, the internet was up, and I never even bothered to watch them!

The internet is my umbilical cord. I literally cannot live without it.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 10:14 pm
by martino
probably i will not watch the movie unless i develop a mood for some pleasant demagogery. i don't need an oafish fat millionaire who pretends to be a man of the people to tell me the war was wrong, or that bush is a phony.

if moore helps the anti-bush effort -- which remains to be seen; he may be just preaching to the converted -- i appreciate his efforts for sure. but that doesn't mean i have to watch a movie...

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 1:40 am
by Tommy Martyn
Although I agree with his ends re the November election, there is so much about this movie and this man that is wrong. You have all heard it elsewhere I am sure. I read the other day that he didn't bother to ask Ray Bradbury about ripping off the title until a few weeks ago. What a twat. Ray B was contemplating suing him. It would be a shame if this silly film overshadows a great novel.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:00 pm
by Sloth
Your comments are disappointing.

If anything, sales of Bradbury's book Farenheit 451 are gonna skyrocket this summer. I doubt Bradbury has any case at all in the similarity between the names of the 2 projects because there is no clear case to confuse the public or defraud the author out of revenue. Those are the things that normally matter in these cases in my experience.

So there can be no lawsuit. There could be if the movie was named directly after the book or defamed the book. I think Moore's lawyers would have cleared this a while ago. I never saw what this issue was.

And Martino calling the guy fat is shameful. So he has a weight problem. Big deal. All the democrats who support national health care and education are loaded. Does that mean they should all be like Bush and attack poorer countries to get even more money?

Moore is rich because he made films that show the poor's struggle against the wealthy. Not because he inherited it or owned something like a oil well or got a lucrative government contract. He deserves his money and he feels the government ought to help the poor. I can't see how this makes him hypocritical or a demagogue.

The only mistake in the film seems to be the Bin Ladin family interview thing on September 12th. And I don't see how that could be true... that none of them knew of his whereabouts at all. None of them. Makes no sense. Maybe they should have tried putting them in a big naked pile and peeing on them like in Abu Grahib. But oh yeah, rich people never get tortured... just the poor people. I think the Bin Ladins in America got treated like visiting royalty.

I don't think the movie preached to the converted. I think it will sway a lot of women and mild Bush supporters, especially quasi-religious people who believe in good and evil. For one, I think the movie made me even more socialist and less of a pacifist. How much more persuasion than this movie do you need to figure out that silence in the face of evil equals needless death?

This war was premeditated, preventable death. That makes the war murder. Three US soldiers died today. After the handover of power. How many more? And for what?

The simple question remains:

Why did we go to war with Iraq?

The movie answers the question:

Bush knew he could get away with it because the country is full of apathetic and ignorant people like us.

Maybe that was the point of the movie. And I doubt anyone would argue with that.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:08 pm
by Sloth
Marky I get home late tonight. I will see the movie again with you later this week.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 5:21 pm
by martino
slothy, your forceful argument gives me reason to see the movie!

i will continue this debate after seeing the film for sure, and hopefully will say that you were right.

as for the obesity thing:

of course moore's weight problem is not his fault. i use the word fat in the context of implying that he is a slob.

certainly you are right that this is not nice manners but i thought this BB was really not about nice manners prima facae.

to clarify my thinking on this with some examples, i would never, when talking about orson welles, mention that he was fat because that is beyond any point one may want to make about him. when talking about marlon brando i think it is fashionable to say that nobody else but brando simultaneously lives on an island, and is an island. we can say this because we all love him... in the case of rush limbaugh, are you sure you want to say that the title of al franken's book is not legitimate?

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 5:39 pm
by bfj
Spiderman preaches to the converted too. And any movie i have to see cause Tom Waits is in it is the same way. This movie should be seen because it is not fluff and dribble. This is shit that matters. Michael Moore's film presents information and footage that the American people are being starved of. The least one should take away from these powerful images is "Why is my mainstream media showing me this?" I WANT MY MTV!!!