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protest in Seattle

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 1:36 pm
by Tommy Martyn
Hello chaps,

things are nice and toasty here in Cincinnati. When I get my own house I will have more time to write. For the moment let me fill you in on what is happening in my old neck of the woods.

A couple of months ago I gave an eulogy for a dear friend who had died of an HIV related illness at age 43. His name was John cook and he was a rugby playing Englishman who happened to be gay. The memorial service took place at Christ the king Catholic church in Greenwood. I have been informed that a lunatic fringe group are going to protest there this weekend because the "Lords house" was used for a gay man. The protest group can be found at the "god hates" website. (If not that then something very similar.) They will also protest outside of the Eagle on capitol hill earlier in the day. I hope some of you can go along and let them know what you think.

A word to the wise though. This fella deliberately tries to provoke a fight. He travels with a couple of lawyers and video cameras and then sues at the first sign of violence. Don't rise to the bait. Take along a sign like, "god loves fags" or something that will get under his skin.

Any questiions about this, post here and I will try to get you more info.

Finally a few words about John. He was a doctor. He lived with HIV for fifteen years. After his initial diagnosis he threw himself into helping others in the same position. As his illness became more debilitating he gave up full time work but continued to volunteer his medical expertise as his condition waxed and waned. Eventually when this became too much he decided to run a rugby club. He was still attending matches when he was not allowed out of the house without a face mask to avoid contamination. If we could all be as brave and compassionate as that man we would be doing ok. It pisses me off that I can't be there to say my piece.

Talk to you all soon keep up the good work. Which on this board means keep drinking I suppose.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 3:02 pm
by Sloth
They guy protests at funerals?

Death is too good for that guy. People should throw rotten eggs.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 5:03 am
by marky
Well this is weird because that church is actually only a few blocks from where I work. I will be working Sunday and wouldn't be in a position to leave, though, I dunno. You don't say what time Mr. Idiot is planning to protest. I think a sign saying "God Creates Fags" would do. I will be working tomorrow too for a few hours, so again it just depends what time this is happening.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 5:17 pm
by Sloth
How about a sign saying, "God Created Bush so He Can't be that Bright".


"God hates bigots more than fags."

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 4:14 pm
by Sloth
So how was it Tommy?

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 4:23 pm
by Guest
Protest is at 4:00pm seattle time at christ the king catholic church.

Sloth old chum I have a few tales to tell but this is my mum in laws computer and i don't have the privacy or access that I need to tell them.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 7:06 am
by marky
Look, people. I was working. Can't stop to leave and wave a sign. Wish things had been different.