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Greenspan in Anti-Bush mode

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 9:19 am
by marky
Did Paxaciduns hear that chairman of the Fed, Alan Greenspan, recommeded that Social Security benefits be cut in favor of reducing the deficit, while recommending the Bush tax cuts be kept?

Apparently, even Republicans were caught off guard by the timing of this announcement by the man who is most listened to in this country regarding the course of the U.S. economy.

But I have a theory: Greenspan is NOT dumb. He knows perfectly well that cutting social security benefits is a policy that the majority of Americans are and will remain against, and therefor, politicians, even Republican ones, will not even dare to speak of it.

I think this is Greenspan's little swipe at Bush and the runaway spending he is engaging in and encouraging. It hardly matters if Greenspan is truly for the tax cuts remaining permanent or if he's just bluffing, nothing could call greater attention to the seriousness of the deficit the Bush administration has created than Greenspan saying we should cut SS to deal with it.

For a very crafty and subtle political maneuver, designed to offend neither party, Greenspan is to be commended.

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 5:43 pm
by Sloth
87 billion dollars (the money spent on the Iraq war) is enough money to send one million kids to college for 4 years.

It is probably enough money to end homelessness, poverty, and extend medical benefits to the uncovered.

That is a big price to pay for overthrowing a petty tyrant, destroying an ancient culture once and for all, and reribution for a hit on ones Dad.

This is the kind of bill that can ruin a country. We will pay off that bill for the rest of our lives. Well you will, anyway, as I am moving to the EU.

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 11:50 pm
by marky
Nader must be on drugs to run.

Not only that, but all this deficit insanity is what is driving the dollar down on world markets against such currencies as the British pound and Euro and for a fan of UK music, the price of buying records is really a bitch now!! BUSH is responsible for making the records I want go up, up, up in price!!!! When I noticed in the newspaper the British pound was up to a whopping 1.8+ U.S. dollars per pound, my jaw dropped. I mean, I have been collecting music from the U.K. since 1985 and never did I ever think I'd live to see it get as high as 1.8 and higher. I can't believe Bush is EVEN responsible for making UK records more expensive. Yeah, I'll live, but wow, what a slap in the face! Fuck Bush on that basis alone! When the Euro first started as a currency, it was neck and neck with the dollar for months, and now...

I'm just going to keep quiet now, I shouldn't get started on this topic.

I'll just end by saying Nader has not even given a REASON why he is running. Last time, there was a reason, it was on behalf of the Green party, it was some kind of thing where if he got enough votes, then the Green party would get such and such a thing. I can't recall now. But this time he's not even giving a reason. Some say it's his ego, but jeez. A Pisces with Capricorn rising? Ego? No, I say it's not ego, only insanity or drugs.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:12 am
by Sloth
Insanity and drugs? Ralph should be running for President of PA.

Don´t worry about Nader. No one is going to vote for him. Remember last time a Democrat was in office. People didn´t know Bush would steal the election.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:36 am
by Maverick
Hey, Mark, I think you've hit on something. Fuck the MTV "Rock the Vote" shit. Tell young people that Bush's policies make music cost more, and maybe they'll get out and vote against him.

Who knew? Mark is a savvy political mastermind like Greenspan.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 11:56 pm
by Tommy Martyn
There is no love lost between Greenspan and the Bushes. George senior blames him for losing to Clinton. It's a long story. (Greenspan himself was one of the followers of Ayn Rand of Atlas Shrugged fame)

I love the fact that Greenspan keeps throwing Soc Sec onto the radar. The ratio between those claiming and those paying is about to have a seachange. The younger members of PA should start to follow this debate closely or get ready to sign over half a pay check every month. (Sloth the outlook is even worse in the EU so don't take the citizenship just yet.)

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 6:16 am
by Sloth
You got that right Tommy. I'm not quitting my day job.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 7:24 am
by marky
Funny you mention that Ayn Rand book, Tommy, I came across a description of it while researching my history paper today. I recognized that title because awhile back there was a scholarship you could apply for that required you to read the entire book and write a paper on it. For a brief moment I'd considered doing it, then figured hell with it I'm not going to read a whole book for a damn scholarship. I can't believe it turned out to be such a Republican screw-the-poor kind of book, yuck!