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Since I suck and missed Mav's bash...

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 7:10 am
by h.
Myself, the K, and loverboy are having an open house white trash squalor New Year. I plan to be early-evening moderately tipsy. An open invite is offered for the pre-party-party. We are boring and sluggish, you will not have much entertainment here. However, if anyone should wish to visit, you are welcome between the hours of 7-10;
perhaps to waste time before you go to do whatever it is you will do for your new year.
Rules are simple, if you wish to attend:
1. bring your own damned booze cause mine is already spoken for.
2. bring your own damned food unless you want to be subjected to my turkey stew.
3. Crack must be smoked on the porch (this is strictly enforced!!!)
4. No mention of excess beauty product bottles (tommy...) in the restroom will be allowed.
5. I don't give a crap what you do after 10 p.m., we have plans so you will either join them or leave.

I don't believe anyone aside from Sloth and wife have stepped foot in my new home so I will give an address, Though some of you know the basics, just not which door to knock upon.
1451 e. republican #8.
No RSVP necessary.