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Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 1:44 am
by sara
Mark, that's great!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 7:13 am
by Tommy Martyn
I wouldn't like to speak on behalf of Simon (although I do appreciate his candour) but seeing as I am pushing 40 with both hands, I am interested in his definition of things I should have:

A. acheived by now

B. started to focus on for the future

Simon you have big balls to say the things you do, but it is time to find out what those balls are made of. Come in from the cold and tell us exactly how you reach your opinions OR expand on why you can only say things in cyberspace and not in the real world. What are you scared of? Are you dating Mc or Sloth? Do you work for them? Are you related?

Moving back to one of the general threads on this board - as a married man with kids let me state openly: I am so jealous of my single friends. I have more gay friends than you can possibly imagine (Really I do, like about forty or so) I am jealous of their carefree drink/drugs and tons of sex lifestyle. They never seem to stay in. They always have at least one party to go to. Don't get me wrong I like my life, but come the weekend......a night club with a casual encounter at the end of it.......