women who love books

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women who love books

Post by Kyle »

god, they're amazing, huh?

I used to date this girl named Ellen Kerry Graham, she was (is) a playwright. Sloth met her when he came to stay with me in Chicago 5 years ago.

She was about 6 feet tall, pierced nose, pierced left nipple, ox skull tattoo (a la Georgia O'Keefe) on her right bicep, cool tatto of a heron on her back

I was IN LOVE with this tall playwright

I always used to say I loved her. It freaked her out. until one day she (indirectly) answered me

She gave me a book titled "A Literate Passion". It was a Valentine's Day gift.

it was all correspondence between Anais Nin and Henry Miller

on the inside of the cover she wrote:

"To kyle
St V's day 1995
see pg. 64
are we even now?"

on pg, 64 she highlighted this exchange:


things I forgot to tell you...

That I love you, and that when I awake in the morning I use my intelligence to discover more ways of appreciating you.

That when June (Henry's wife) comes back she will love you more because I have loved you. There are new leaves on the tip and climax of your already overrich head.

That I love you.
That I love you.
That I love you.

I have become an idiot like Gertrude Stein. That's what love does to intellignet women. They cannot write letters anymore."

This floored me.
One of the best gifts I've ever been given.

Here's to the women (or men) we're in awe of.

Cheers, Pax Acidus.

It's good to be in love.
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women who love books

Post by mccutcheon »

Someone took a cupid pill today. Here is too all the hopeless, I prefer 'hopeful' romantics out there. XXXX Share the love, sometimes it's easier to write on this b.b. than it is to sit in person with ‘real' people. That is why I like Sarah and Innes so much, I don't know anything other than what they give here. I'm sure they are both real cunts in waking life….that's a joke friends. I have my suspicions that they are both wonderful people.

And on we go…. how exciting this electronic communication is. We are the pioneers of long distance peers, getting' the emotion out there. Or something….

I have a new best friend. Her name is Kelsea, and she is an 8-year-old girl, who I take to the café for eclairs. So anyway, she listens when we are talking, but when I've just said some stupid shit- which I do on occasion, she always seems to recognize it. She will look up at me with those big eyes and tell me, “Whatever!â€? Then we walk back home holding hands as she smears chocolate all over her face. It's a very Catcher in the Rye moment. Kelsea likes Stuart Little and (of course) Harry Potter. But it's great to watch young people read. I love being around so much potential. Besides Kelsea is a babe magnet.

Next week I have three holiday parties and one B-day party all in one week. Wowza, I think it will be fun.
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women who love books

Post by sarah »

Ryan Adams: "Sylvia Plath"
Cool, hugh?
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women who love books

Post by h. »

She is one of those people who make you wonder what went wrong in your own life that you can't look at it the same way, or at least the way she does. One of those people who have done a rain dance on hot coals and somehow, can still see the beauty of how the coals glow while they burn her feet and the way the rain smells as it's drenching her. She has that unique ability to see through the bullshit to the heart of what it really is. Insight with such clarity is not something most possess. She has scars, but does not dwell on them.
She is a book and every day, she reads differently.

women who love books

Post by <sarah> »

A friend of mine from childhood, a really smart cookie, who loves to read and who gave me my first copy of Delta of Venus has gone and gotten cancer. Yep, I didn't think it could happen to some people; it can happen to anybody. So-- I love women who love books, who are smart, smarter than the people they're around. I'm such a big dumb-dumb who was always too intimidated of her intelligence to really get to know her. That's what's stupid in life, not getting to know someone who is really great and right there. So I wrote a poem because damn, I've tried, but I just can't paint.

Near the cottage,
We walked in the woods.
She showed me an ice chest
That had been placed in the ground.
A spring ran under it.
Sticking my hand in,
I found the air cold.

I was five or maybe six,
She was an adult, twenty-five
Or maybe forty-six.

Cool, marble figures
Stood on her chess set.
A book about gnomes
And goblins lay on the table,
And as I watched The Hobbit,
My eyes were drawn to her unicorn collection.

The house smelled of hot cider, kerosene,
And the smoke of candles recently snuffed out.
It was dark, only the corners near the chess set,
The unicorns, and the gnomes were lit.

I grew up and forgot about springs
And gnomes, and the smell of cider.

She retired and gave me her books.

I went to Paris.
The air smelled of diesel fumes, body odor,
And Coco Chanel.
The streets were dark, only the corners near
The Sorbonne, the metro, and the Museum of Modern Art
Were lit.

I came home to read her books.
Smells mingled.
Sights intertwined.
And Paris became a cottage inhabited by
Unicorns who wear Coco, and take the metro
To a spring.
Jack Chiefton
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women who love books

Post by Jack Chiefton »

Sarah, why can't more men meet women like you??? I lived in a college town for about 3 years and met nothing but flaky stuck up hoes, hell I even dated one. Why can't I meet one who loves to write poetry? I think that is my dream, to meet somone who knows and loves poetry more than I, so she can teach me, because I need to be taught. By the way, I loved reading it.
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women who love books

Post by mccutcheon »

Sarah's got a fan, (me) and Jack likes her too!plus she bakes cookies woohoo! but she is also married. keep your eyes open Jack.

also- you and rabbit have to change your language towards women, what girl is going to let you put your dick in her mouth if you call her a 'ho?' women are people too Jack. and a lot of them are better than you.

what happened to our Pack today? and is Billy S have lots of talent but make your regular football player seem smart. I mean is he so dumb he forgets to look for the ball?

women who love books

Post by <sarah> »

That's amazingly kind, and I'm trying to think of something to make you smile, but . . .
My disenchantment with college was similar to yours.
I think MC hit on something in a post, something about offering peices of ourselves, and that's what it is, just a peice.

I give all of you guys a lot of credit. I think as a sex, regardless of the fact that you create wars and oppress women, you're pretty great because I know some super individuals who don't fit any generalizations about you as a whole.

I think there are least 56 girls, possibly a lot more, who would give an ovary to have a guy ask them to write poetry with him. They better respond to this post or I will become disillusioned and join the all women are bitches chorus.
Smile, Jack, I'm certain it looks good on you!
Jack Chiefton
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women who love books

Post by Jack Chiefton »

I don't know what happened to the Pack today, they must be taking it easy until the "real" games begin next weekend. Yes I called my ex a hoe, and I don't want to put my dick anywhere near her, or any other girl who treats me the way she did. I lost one of my best friends tonight, all because I showed up at his house drunk, and we started a fire and I forgot to open the flume, so he bitched me out about drinking too much, so I said he is a redneck asshole who cares only about himself, which is true, and he kicked me out of his house, which I was obliged to leave. It is people like him who make others feel like they have a drinking problem. Otherwise, that mistake could have happened to anyone out of the ordinary, drunk or sober. Well, he is a redneck, he can kiss my ass, and now he has lost his only friend, and I don't care.

Wow, once you feel like you have found peace in much of what you do, someone has to freak out on you like that and make you feel like shit, all because that person doesn't drink, and you do. So, I made a simple mistake, it has happened before, now I hope I never speak again to this person.

Mc- I know, just about every female is better than me, I can almost guarantee that. Even the flaky college hoes and the really fat ones. To be honest with you, I have met a few intellectually stimulating "obese" women who really turned me on. No matter though, I think the female figure is the most attractive object to look at, fat, skinny, what ever. And by the way, I usually don't talk about women this way, accept for the ex, who broke my heart and robbed me (at the time) of everything to live for. Otherwise, they are the dominating species of human origin. No question about that. Ok, I'm going to go to bed now and sleep off my regrets. I wish I could enjoy my loves without drink or drugs, but it just doesn't seem to work out these days.