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The Loneliest Place on Earth…

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 8:16 pm
by TragicPixie
Has got to be airports. Landing in I-can't-remember-where everything looks the same and so generic it could have been anywhere. Sitting alone for a five hour lay over and only being able to phone people you don't want to talk to, people who don't understand why you left, or what you're doing, or anything that's important to you at all is an awful feeling. The only people you can talk to you don't want to, and the only one you do want to talk to you can't. It's strange to be homesick for somewhere you weren't born… but for some reason it feels like home. I'd almost kill to see a sheep right now; despite to say I was not impressed walking through the many fields of them avoiding sheep shit.
I'd give anything to hear an English accent at the moment.

Sooo… very lonely and depressed. To make it worse, my parents are STILL in the midst of moving and let's just say my father doesn't handle stress well. Everyone's on pins and needles but you have to get done what he wants to get done and he's to busy running around screaming at people to actually DO anything. The result is there's no phone working at the house… no internet… and this leaves me absolutely fucked because I have to do stuff for school online…

I'm just rambling… sorry guys. It sucks being back in the US… anyone else get really homesick for well… somewhere aside from the place they are supposed to think of as home?

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 8:47 pm
by Maverick
I am writing a story about how airport security lines are sexy. So, I guess airports can have an up side...I'll post it when I'm finished.

I'm more often homesick for places Iwasn't born than where I was, although there is nothing wrong with where I grew up, it's just not the geographic place that matters, it's the feeling you get when you are somewhere. You must have had some good feelings in Europe.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:38 pm
by TragicPixie
mmm yeah.. and I was sober *waits for the gasps*

and oh yes... there's a um... boy... and I swear I'll marry him some day..... one of these days... *sighs*

Dammit I'm fucking lonely and the only person who can make me not is too far away.