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Hey Kitten...
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 1:15 am
by TragicPixie
Have you ever tried that bottled/canned green tea stuff by um... Arizona I think? If so what's it taste like, I was just wondering as I passed by some at dance today but assumed it was too loaded with calories to worry about.
And if it is made by Arizona (which I'm sure I"ve misspelled) that's not the same company who makes the jeans or whatever right? I hope not... I'm just rambling just wanted to know tho'!
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 1:39 am
by Kitten
it's pretty good, i mean not amazing but not bad either. it's not really loaded, i mean it's got 60 or 70 cals whereas your average juice or soda has about 200 or so. i'm miss anorexia and i drink it occasionally so it's "calorie-safe" ha. but there will always be fewer cals in hot tea you make yourself b/c the only cals in that are like 10, and that's just if you add sugar.
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:57 am
by TragicPixie
yeah... maybe I'll try it tomorrow. I dunno tho' I'm thinking I need the sugar cause my blood sugar levels keep bottoming out while I'm dancing; which sucks cause I kinda need to not faint!
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 1:16 am
by Kitten
i have the lowest blood pressure in the universe (not exactly the same as sugar but similar); i have the blood pressure of a dead person; i like couldnt have a heart attack if i tried. but it makes everything go black alot so they might have to medicate me.
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 6:55 pm
by TragicPixie
yeah, my blood pressure is pretty low and it probably accounts for my random fainting as well but they won't medicate me since exteremly high blood pressure runs in my family and stuff. My dr said it's inconvient but possibly a blessing cause it lowers my risk of heart dieseae I seem genetically prone to. (Since I don't drive, he doesn't think it's that big of a deal.)
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 9:41 pm
by Kitten
however, if your blood sugar is that low to the point of fainting then you should eat more girl!