Love Letters

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Love Letters

Post by rabbit »

Writing a love letter can be so un-nerving. There you are, spilling your guts to someone you (possibly) barely know. It's nuts really. Think about it, anyone could stumble upon it and read it. And if you are rejected, well it hurts, but you have to get over it.

But being human as we all are, the most daring and risk-taking, animals on this planet, we write it anyways. It's beyond comprehension. But hey, it's all in the name of love, right?
How many letters does it take to make her think you are not some psycho-stalker and the right letter with the perfect balance of soul and a touch of sensuous excitement? Thinking back on all the countless love letters I have written, I see angst, worry and a burning desire to love. Writing each letter can be frustrating but the power of words is simply incredible. It just takes some time to find the right balance.

I have learned a lot about myself just by reading everything I've ever written. The good times, the bad times, it all has it's own place in your world. But often times, I look at the love letters I've written and those are the most honest letters I have ever written. The ones that no one has seen are often the best, as they convey the exact feelings, but they were too raw to let anyone else see.

I hope I'm not blabbering on and on about this, but sometimes we just need to be reminded of our own soul.

Now all we have to do is show her the letter.

It's that simple right?