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Too bad Bush is from Texas
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 6:29 am
by Myke115
I have a f-in' sinus infection ... again ... so here I am up at 1:30am and checking the Pax board. What's up with that??
Definitely Creed next.
Remember, even Jesus hates Creed.
Dictator Fuckstick
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:12 am
by Laughing Armadillo
Just for the historical record, Oedipus Tex is actually "from" Maine, not Texas.
Unlike the stereotypical Texan, The Chimperor is also terrified of horses, owns no cattle or livestock on his alleged "ranch" and never learned how to whip up a batch of hearty methamphetamine using Drano and Corningware (though I'm certain he snorted more than his fair share).
One would have thought you pointy-headed smartypants college fucks would know this. Don't feel too bad, though, as millions of Texans are just as uninformed as... well, you. Besides, differentiating between JuntaBoy's cornpone vaudeville act and the fetal alcohol syndrome responsible for his cross-eyed gaze and incoherent diction admittedly requires more than a little expertise in the medical sciences.
Not that the ugly sentiments about the Lone Star State are wholly undeserved. There's an awful lot to hate about the place, but at least it ain't Oklahoma or Kansas. Small consolation for those of us hatched in Texas, but we take comfort where we can scrounge it.