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Bozo is cockblowing republican and i'm drunk at 11:37 am

Posted: Fri May 17, 2002 6:36 pm
by Jack Chiefton
Walking along i step in dog shit simultaneously with a bag of garbage seeing puke boy messing the sidewalk and todd is sleeping on the bus bench, girls are crying, guys are drunk and raging, telling the cuties to shut the fuck up over broken glass and beer bottles scattered like leaves in the wind and the black guy playing guitar hits the old lady and steals her gyro, bolting for the dark alley, what a fucking dump, could death be any worse? I think not. We're in a pile of shit up to our necks, and it isn't subsiding.

Bozo is cockblowing republican and i'm drunk at 11:37 am

Posted: Fri May 17, 2002 11:47 pm
by Jack Chiefton
Bozo, give me one example of somebody being blatantly forced into homosexuality? Or did I completely misunderstand what you were implying (not a hard thing to do i might add)?