Its Warner Bros. Latin.
If you are a registered user and have posted more than 31 times then you are Plethora Posterus.
If you have not posted that many times yet then you are Newbius Posterus.
If you are a moderator then you are Nautius Maximum.
If you are a Mc Cutcheon then you are a mccutcheon (which is fucked up because he is supposed to be a moderator)
& If you are administrator then are Bigus Dickus
I hope this helps!
If you are a registered user and have posted more than 31 times then you are Plethora Posterus.
If you have not posted that many times yet then you are Newbius Posterus.
If you are a moderator then you are Nautius Maximum.
If you are a Mc Cutcheon then you are a mccutcheon (which is fucked up because he is supposed to be a moderator)
& If you are administrator then are Bigus Dickus
I hope this helps!