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I agree..

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:08 am
by Alta Vista [Bot]
At least your extended family is by your side in this.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:34 am
by marky
seeing as she is a borderline drunk.

Wow, now that's really dropping the news on us at last! Things make a little more sense now.

Yeah it is sad that she doesn't want to visit more, but you know what? I would just look at it as at least you won't have to put up with her too often. If that's the way she is, then that's the way she is. Better the truth than a lie for the kids I guess. Yeah...better the truth than a lie for them at this point.
I hope it doesn't sound cold for me to say that, but really. I think after a certain point, telling the truth is just paying respect.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:37 am
by marky
It really is your love, Tommy, that will see them through. Your love. Your love will heal them, that is the great thing about it.
Remember that.

Sorry if this sounds like I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm not sure where this is taking me, I just feel it.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:42 am
by marky
HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY! Wait a minute! That thing it says under my moniker "marky" = it says "Mile High Club" doesn't it? FUCK THAT IS THE NAME OF A BOW WOW WOW SONG!!!!That was the first song I heard of them besides I Want Candy and it made me rush out to the CD shop on gut instinct that I was going to love it and I did!!!!! WOW!!! I mean I know that's been under my name there for awhile and I'm not the only one who has that I don't think but all of a sudden it's taken on a huge meaning it never had before. Wow.

Okay, right, sorry. We're talking about divorce here. I'll be quiet now.

I'm going to play Roxy Music's album from '75 and see if it sounds any better than the last time I played it. At least it has "Love Is The Drug" on it, so that's good.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:11 am
by marky
Also you know Tommy I would think it would be easy for you to hook up with a nice maternal lady. I would think there must be a lot of women out there who could sympathize with your predicament.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:16 am
by marky
Also this is the time to consummate your relationship with Angelina Jolie, isn't it?

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:29 am
by marky
No, this Roxy Music album Siren is still DEAD BORING. Sorry. I hearby promise I will never try to get into it again. I am through with it. I listened to the whole thing. I've paid my dues. End of story. I mean that is one of those things you listen to and say "god punk was just begging to happen if Roxy Music sounded like that by 1975 for fuck's sake...what a fall from grace for them"

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:53 pm
by Tommy Martyn
Mrs Tommy has just left for London for five days, so things here are a little less tense. We are disagreeing about the money at the moment. It is awful. On the one hand you just want it to be done but you have to fight your corner. It will be OK though. When the dust settles, I will have a nice little house. Lots of people don't get that, so I will cut the "woe is me" shit.

Yes, as a few of you pointed out, you are right. My in laws have been great. I sort of expected this, they are devout christians. The old man really does walk the walk. He does endless stuff for the Salvation army and Children's Hospital. He sponsors gobs of missionaries. So it wouldn't be a stretch to know that he is there for his grandchildren.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 1:38 am
by megapulse
a lot of times christians are cool when the chips are down.

this whole thread has more cohesion than a well planned novel.

it could be like dickens, 2006, a tale of global cities . . . it was the best of times, it was the not so best of times. . . and finally, it is a far far greater thing, that i give my wife the divorce so my kids aren't left suffering her random alcoholic binges than i remain married to her and subject them to that.

as for what mark said, you've got to be highly marketable. and i am just being honest here, because i'm married, pregnant, and not remotely available, so i mean if most chicks know your plight they are going to want to scratch mrs. tommy's eyeballs out and bang you . . . i mean i'm serious, there are not a lot of women, at least the ones that i know, that wouldn't be like awwww, times three over your situation. i don't know, but i think you're are going to reap some really great sex out of the whole deal eventually -- stay in shape!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 2:52 am
by marky
hahahahha you know it Sarah! *high five*

Also remember Tommy has an English accent, which gives him an automatic advantage. I've got this great article in this magazine that my friend in Scotland does graphic design for, and it's all about southern women going crazy over a guy with an English accent. It's really funny. I wonder if it's online so I could link to it.

for crying out loud

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:18 pm
by martino
tommy i had no idea. i got terrifically bored with this bb and just left for about three months and now that i am back i read this? terrible news. let me say that i think you are a gread dad and a splendid person, not necessarily in that order. try to make it to the world cup or at least let's talk over the phone. +4969 498110 is my number, post yours and i will call.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 10:19 pm
by Tommy Martyn

great to hear from you. I'll keep trying you at home Thursday/Friday. It will be good to talk. I'm going to be in England/Ireland and possibly Scotland for parts of June/July. My brother has a place in Northern Ireland. You should pop over there. It's much cheaper than the south. And if you happen to get one of the twelve days a year when it doesn't rain....well it's paradise.

yes it was good to talk!

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:33 am
by martino
and i hope my germanic directness wasn't too blunt. in particular when i said, all in all, you are probably better off than your wife: that could be misunderstood. i didn't mean that everything sounds fine and easy. i meant: you have the kids, you have the support of family, you have a non-addictive personality structure. in contrast to her.

of course, what you are going through is excruciating and i hope you have the good nerves and health to pull it off.

looking back at my months of darkness, i can tell you that one gains insight and strength from personal crisis. on the down side, there is always this tinge of sadness that never goes far away.