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Here's a list of music I am currently investigating

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:15 am
by marky
Here's a list of music I am currently investigating or rediscovering...None of it is new, sorry. I'm in a post punk/80's phase again. I'm going to see if I can find You Tube clips for each of these cause I'm sick of podcasting for now.

1000 Mexicans (mid 80's UK band, definitely obscure) Sorry no You Tube clip for this one.

Buzzcocks - Time's Up (their earliest material). Here's "Breakdown":

"Can't Stop It" - an Aussie post punk compilation (there is a second volume coming out in February) Here's one of the bands on it called Primitive Calculators:

Danielle Dax - Jesus Egg That Wept & Inky Bloaters (can't wait to hear these two albums again, they were fantastic) Here's "Big Hollow Man":

De Press - First EP & First two albums from this Norwegian early 80's band with a Polish singer. They can do the doom & gloom thing very well, but can sound punk at times too. There are a few things on You Tube but the audiovisual quality is so poor I won't bother.

Duet Emmo - this is two members of Wire doing a project with Daniel Miller, head of Mute records as well as the guy behind that song by the Normal called "Warm Leatherette" which Grace Jones covered. They probably didn't make any videos, so no You Tube here either.

Eluvium - Copia (Whoops! I lied! This is actually brand new...ambient piano instrumental stuff from a guy who lives in Portland OR) Here's an older song of his called "Genius & The Theives" performed live:
(you shouldn't be fooled into thinking he only does piano, though...he also does fuzzy MBV-ish guitar at times and I think the new album is supposed to have more instruments too)

Eyeless In Gaza - Caught In Flux (I think that was the name of it - it was a double LP I used to have and I'd like to hear it again) This is a track from a different album:

Fra Lippo Lippi - Small Mercies & In Silence (first two albums from this Norwegian band, very gloomy, Joy Divisionish...then later in the 80's they became happy slick chart crap. I used to be pretty crazy over these LP's and heard them for the first time in 20 years recently) Yeah there is stuff on You Tube but it's the crap stuff.

Inspiral Carpets - I'm particularly interested in the early stuff before they switched vocalists, so we're talking 87-88. They didn't release many records then but I've found some rare stuff. I used to really love the Trainsurfing EP (their first record I believe) and it still sounds great today. The cool thing about them I think was their simplicity. No frills, just simple lyrics and good tunes. Noel Gallagher of Oasis was a roadie for them in those days. Anyway, yeah there's stuff on You Tube but not from that early era. Maybe I will upload one of the tracks instead.

Jo Jo Zep & The Falcons - two LP's. I had never heard of these guys in my life until a few weeks ago someone posted a You Tube clip of them. They were Aussie and kinda had a neat reggaeish ska sound with catchy songs.

Kajagoogoo - White Feathers. Yes I'm rediscovering this of all things. I used to know this LP very well. I fully admit it's cheesy. Hell it was even then. They had weird lyrics at times.

Laurie Anderson - United States Live. Not so much music but weird performance art. This was one of the things I remember hearing when I first discovered college radio. It's a really nice thing for radio, I think. Has its own atmosphere.

Prince Charles & The City Beat Band - these guys were pretty cool, sounded a bit like Chic I guess.

Robert Wyatt - I am trying to give his albums a go. He's pretty damn famous and very well respected in Britain. He's done some depressing stuff and some jokey stuff and some weird stuff. If he's still alive, he must be very old now. He used to be in a 60's/70's band called The Soft Machine.

Swingers - Counting The Beat. Here's another band I hadn't heard of until very recently. They are also on You Tube. They were from New Zealand and had a member of Split Enz in them (Split Enz being pre-Crowded House). Their songs are ridiculously boppy and catchy.

The Police - Zenyatta Mondatta. I figured I'd better give this one a go since I went so crazy over Regatta De Blanc. I don't think anyone here needs a You Tube clip for this.

Thomas Dolby - Golden Age of Wireless. Yes, he of "She Blinded Me With Science" fame. His first album. I am rediscovering this. "Flying North" was amazing to hear again, in fact I get kinda teary eyed over that one because it's just such a beautiful song. I remember playing that on my walkman over and over and over. He wasn't perfect in those days but he came up with some really nice tunes on this and his second album The Flat Earth. He's kinda one of those artists I wouldn't have expected to be any good but is actually very talented. I have no idea what his later stuff is like.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:24 am
by marky
Here's another one

Freur - Doot Doot (haven't heard this in eons - this band had the guys that went on to be the techno act Underworld - no kidding)