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Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:15 am
by megapulse
myke i can't post on your blog

it gave me the bird again -- spam i am, according to that thing that gigs me. even though i don't sell green eggs and ham, spam i am.

mc i can't post on yours it goes nowhere

i thought people wanted others to comment on blogs. this shit is ridiculous.

i'm sorry ??evil spamming?? occurs whatever the hell that is

y'all have a good night, don't let evil spamming make you too uptight.


mc this is not directed at you, i just don't understand.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:34 am
by megapulse
and if anyone knows about these two things i'd like to know what happened here too, seriously.

1. someone emailed me some stuff from mc's email address -- he said he didn't do it, so there you have it
2. someone made up some shit under my name and wrote it at scribbles the blog some time back before people had to use their email addresses; it surprised me to the point of, well i don't know what to say about that.
3. i tried to fill in the blanks but none of it made much sense to me.

if no one knows anything about any of this fine.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:59 am
by megapulse
so it's the middle of the morning for me and i can not sleep. and i can't tell myke about a gay bar in raleigh, well two really, one fairly standard one and another completely strange s and m one, and also a pretty cool gay neighborhood in chicago that my friend who is the producer for second city lived in without getting a funny fuck you finger.

and since it's the middle of the night i should tell mc that the green mill i think is the name of the place is where some gangster -- okay yes, it's definitely the green mill, and i looked it up, it's al capone -- used to hang out in chicago, my friend explained, this bar no longer has gangsters hanging in it though, she and i shared a martini there many, many years ago on our birthday weekend -- she is the april 3rd actress from vcu -- for any richmond fans, at that time, the time of the martini at the green mill, she was a temp, so i don't think you'll find anyone there to break the knees of the spammer. you might find a movie star or someone there as it is the setting of some movie.

but myke if you're reading this i agree that the bars and neighborhoods are pretty cool

perhaps because i don't run one of these website blog places i do not understand how difficult being spammed is or what the problem is.

i know when random person emailed me from mc's account i thought whoa, this is strange

but since that is not what i thought the whole thing became weirder and therefore a new dimension in computer usage was opened to me. people use computers not just for work or for fun or for porn or for sales they use them for random acts of email weirdness that lead to complete confussion.

and evidentally they also use them for random acts of commercials and google hook ups. very smarmy and strange.

i think i should have studied computers because i've found that no one can or will really answer questions about this stuff.

so if someone would like to teach me about spam on blogs that would be great. i just read an article about it, so i may end up teaching myself.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:26 am
by mccutcheon
I don't know what's going on. Sloth?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:25 pm
by Sloth
I'm in London and too drunk to help you right now *burp*.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:12 pm
by megapulse
that's a great idea and what we should all do if given the opportunity -- instead of worrying about spam. although i hate not being able to talk to myke. and it annoys me when my stuff goes nowhere to mc

i'm going to a mardi gras party this weekend and wish i were drunk right now ~

ring a ding dong

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:04 am
by mccutcheon
sarah please call me. I think if you talk to me you will know I've never done anything to fuck up your email


please call me now.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:53 pm
by megapulse
i know that you didn't do anything. it's fine. i over-react when i don't know what the hell is going on.

i'll call you tomorrow if you like.

i've been running around like a mad person for two days, and i'm going to a party tonight that i'm cooking red beans and rice and jumbalaya for at the moment. i've just had a pap smear, sat in a doctor's office with three screaming children and their screaming mother to get hep shots, worked on finishing grades, etc etc etc. thank god i will be getting drunk soon and i'm not calling you drunk

now i'm going to relax in the fifteen minutes i have before i have to leave again and read your stuff because i enjoy it. :)

hope all good paxacidus people tie one on!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:47 am
by marky
Right, my Australian friend said "tie one on" means get drunk. So yeah, I'm on board.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 7:10 pm
by megapulse
i'm getting drunk again tonight. it's too much fun.

mc i tried to call you, you have a nice voice :)

i didn't leave a message. i have a deviated septum and everyone thinks i have a cold when i leave messages.