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The Germans and their 1516 Law of Purity

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 4:08 am
by marky
Read today on Guardian site that German beer is forbidden to have additives of any kind due to a law in 1516 saying you could only have hops and water or whatever that other thing is I can't remember. Well I drank German beer tonight just for the fuck of it since I normally don't.

Let's see if I can find the article:

No I can't! DAMNIT! It was so readily accesible when I was at work today but no!!! Why why why is it always some ungodly hour of the morning in Britain when I'm finally ready to get off work and have a few drinks and post a bunch of stupid shit on a message board! Even the music folks on the other board I visit have all likely gone to bed! It's a tradgedy! I think I'm going to go from Replacements to Fleetwood Mac in a minute.

Hey - McC...I wanted to tell you something. But I have to go to your blog since you never come over here. Agh. OH well.

Very soon I'm going to do some serious damage to my credit card for the sake of Martin Hannett. I want to die. But after all, once it's over, it's over. No more Hannett. He's dead and gone. Get those bloody records now kids before it's gone! And that damn French record shop still hasn't sent me that LP and if they don't I will raise hell. They've fucked people over before. Maybe they've even fucked me, but it was the only shot I had at it. Waaaaah! Who cares.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:11 am
by marky
All I want to do is post offensive bloody crap because all the British folks on the other board are in bed asleep and all I've got to talk about music with now is these boring people. I can't bloody help it that the UK is fucking 8 or 9 hours ahead of me, now can I? And there were so many cool posts today from folks there but not now when I want them to be awake. They all posted when I was at work! Damnit.

I need to blow my nose.

Thank god my cat hasn't driven me crazy yet.

Look this is all I wanted to say - there is a song by John Cooper Clarke where he keeps saying bloody this bloody that bloody this bloody that and he makes it rhyme, right? What fucking song is that? DAMNIT I'll have to figure that out.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:13 am
by marky
I have to take my bloody car in for an oil change tomorrow at 10 am which means I better not drink any more because I knew I'd fucking be hungover I just knew it.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:20 am
by marky
Cinco De Mayo! I should write about how 10s of thousands of immigrants marched the streets of Seattle last Monday and prevented me from getting home after work for an agonizing hour when I knew I had a midterm exam the next day and they wouldn't let me go home and study, those people. No buses were running, I was fucked, I am serious. I was trapped. So much of downtown was deserted because of this insane gigantic march of thousands of people. I walked so far it was amazing, all the way across downtown, hoping for a bus that didn't exist. And finally I just got so fed up with them streaming past me that I crossed them as they were turning, I crossed them at a diagonal as they were finally turning, the huge crowd of immigrants with their signs. Thankfully they let me by peacefully. But I heard of one guy later who went nuts and started driving his car right into them!

Yeah yeah! Stand up for your rights immigrants, but jesus I've only been at work all day and I'm tired and I have the right to go home and you are STOPPING ME from going home! How DARE you! etc etc etc. This was the feeling folks had, the few of us that were left behind. But it was really one of the weirdest experiences I've ever had because the streets were so deserted. Like a bizarre ghost town in the middle of Seattle except for this giant stream of immigants and a few stray people like me. Most people knew it was coming and got out early, you see?

Anyway I figured I'd write about that for paxacidus. These are the times we live in.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:32 am
by marky
Okay I've figured it out now what the John Cooper Clarke song is that I'm thinking of. It's the one where he says "Evidently Chickentown" that's the one where he keeps saying "bloody" this and "bloody" that. See I didn't even check the CD sleeve. But I'll do so now to see if I'm right or not.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:35 am
by marky
Yep, sure enough. It's the first song on "Snap Crackle & Bop".

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:36 am
by marky
Jesus that's enough posts from me tonight.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 8:02 am
by TragicPixie
well at least I had something to amuse me at work ...
aside from trying to do all this bullshit for technical writing:
out of what appears to be the final six assignments he wants to see ..
I have three that are on time/approved.
two that are done but not approved. (my arguement is because he's a fucktard and never even looked at them just glanced and was like "uh... too much text. no." ... if the idoit had read it he'd see the text is direct and cohesive!)
I did not do one: no marky, I never did get around to that 10 page report that was due after that rave in Febuary: and you know what? He can go FUCK HIMSELF. FUCK HIMSELF I TELL YOU!! I worked my ass off on his stupid fucking arbitrary how-to-write-bad and put up with his dumbass all semster; I no longer ever care.
I also have waht seems to be an extra assignment I'm going to throw in there.
I mean... wtf... he can't even remember all the assignments he assigned... yeah, well must have been too manya nd not important enough for even my professor to deal with ...
Right. I am SO drinking tomorrow.
I'm probably like an hour away from yet another temper tantrum/nervous breakdown ... and I can't afford to get a new cellphone!

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 9:32 am
by marky
Oh my god I know exactly where you are coming from. I dealt with so many idiot professors in my day. It was especially bad in Community College. I used to seethe with rage, but you get to the point that you're really overexperienced with that phenomenon and then you just quit hating them because there's literally no point in hating them. You gain the buddhist calm because you've seen it all before, kindof. Or at least I did. But you still have temper tantrums from time to time just like you have here and just like I had over on the other thread while preparing for the gigantic midterm. The final exam will be comprehensive. How comforting. And the teacher is so stupid!!! She starts going off on these tangents about books she's read that have absolute nothing remotely related to the subject of the class. And she tells the same stories in her classes over and over, too. Isn't that crazy? She told the same story as this class I took of hers 2 years ago or whatever. Insane.

Anyway I'm not actually feeling that much angst right now because I got a good amount of reading done today and I'm playing Can, and Can are absolutely one of the top three most amazing bands in the universe, I am convinced of that. Even though it doesn't matter and no one cares. Their most famous and accessible song though is "I Want More" if you want a blast of electrodisco from 1974 that pisses all over Kraftwerk. And when they do JAZZ oh my god! There is this one song I can name in their entire career when they attempted JAZZ and I LOVE IT!! Then there is one where they do reggae too!!!! It's called "Laugh Til You Cry, Live Til You Die". Yeah that one is a doozy.

Okay that's enough for now.

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 9:48 am
by marky
Also one thing that pissed me off earlier tonight, just like you with the cell phone, was I can't afford to get the right fucking software to edit my photos I took with my digital camera. So then I figured out how to make them smaller on the page but then it took too long to upload them to the server of the university, it kept failing. So I realized it would take me 6 billion years to upload these photos. So I just had to leave it alone and forget about it for awhile or there'd be smoke coming out of my ears.

I am once again at the mercy of dial up. I can't get decently priced high speed internet where I live. Because god hates me, that's why. Even my punk friend Paul, who lives so close by, he can get decent priced internet speed, but not me!!! They don't cover my bloody area because they are bastards and I can't move til I at least graduate, so fuck the fuckers. Hahahaha. We're swearing in the pub again. Just for fun.

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 10:36 am
by Sloth
Marky, I can't imagine life without broadband. That must suck. If you need some editing software I may be able to help you out. Which one are you looking for?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 11:36 am
by marky
All I know is they're trying to force me to use Jasc Paint Shop. It's a conspiracy between microsoft and other companies, I think. They keep saying my trial period has ended I must pay $30 now. But you know it really doesn't matter if you can't decrease the size of the photo file somehow because it will take me 7 billion years to get those photos up otherwise. How do you decrease the size of photo files? Or do you?

well i know this is unusual

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:03 pm
by martino
because it is kinda on-topic, but yes, the beer is pure.

so what? the guys who drink it all the time still look sick and stupid. (because they are).

and listen to me (i think i am repeating myself here:) you drink the beer and you get tits. (it's all in the estrogen).

not only tits. you get a beer belly. and this old friend of mine, his name is doc val: he is a dermatologist. and he told me: the guys with the beer belly, they get problems with their dicks because they cannot see them and thus they cannot keepem clean. your beer belly goes over your belt and in doing that sucks your innards up and your cock gets smaller because it also gets pulled up. ewwww. think about that next time you feel all happy about drinking clean beer.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 5:10 am
by Sloth
Beer bellies are scary. I've heard about the dick thing too. And that last post makes me glad I'm not a doctor.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 12:12 am
by marky
Well, one can feel happy drinking whatever their drink of choice is - even eventually feel happy drinking something that isn't their preference, too! I didn't mean to convey that German beer has become a preference of mine. I just figured I'd do it once and see what I thought of it. It didn't really make me more of a beer fan than I am. I still really prefer wine but will drink beer now and then for various reasons. Variety is the spice of life.

There is a hint of condescension and rudeness towards me in your post, though Martino, which concerns me. It seems you are cautioning me against drinking beer all the time and getting a beer belly. I'm not sure why you felt such a warning was necessary.